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Preliminary analysis on characteristics of water and sediment movement and environmental disasters changes in the Three Gorges reservoir area


尹小玲 1   刘青泉 2  
文摘 三峡水库自2003年蓄水以来,积累了大量实际观测资料,为研究库区水沙运动特性及环境问题提供了有利条件.本文基于水库实际运用情况,对水库蓄水后的洪水波传播、悬移质泥沙运动、库区富营养化以及库岸滑坡灾害等的主要变化进行了初步分析,表明三峡水库蓄水运用后,这些方面发生了较大的改变,并呈现出新的特点,对三峡工程的长期运行有一定影响,其中反映的重要问题值得深入研究,并在今后的工程运用中应给予足够的重视.同时分析结果也为今后这些问题的研究提出了一些探讨性的方向和途径.
其他语种文摘 Since Three Gorges reservoir impounded water in 2003,extensive field observation data has been obtained,which provide favorable conditions to study the water and sediment movement and the environment in the reservoir area.Based on the actual operation of the reservoir,the main changes of flood propagation,suspended sediment movement,eutrophication in the reservoir water as well as disasters such as landslides along the bank after water storage are analysed preliminarily in this paper.It is showed herein that there are much differences between before and after impounding.The new features in these processes are likely to cause impacts on long-term running of the Three Gorges project.The issues which are discussed are considered to be important and worthy of further research and need to be paid more attention in the future operation of the pmject.The results of the analysis in the paper indicate some exploratory directions or ways for future study.
来源 水力发电学报 ,2009,28(6):43-48 【核心库】
关键词 水环境 ; 三峡库区 ; 洪水传播 ; 泥沙输移 ; 富营养化 ; 库岸滑坡

1. 华南理工大学,土木与交通学院, 广东, 广州, 510640  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所环境力学实验室, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1003-1243
学科 环境科学基础理论
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3770330

参考文献 共 10 共1页

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1 周银军 三峡水库库区上段水流特性分析 水力发电学报,2015,34(6):131-137
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2 李文杰 三峡库区细颗粒泥沙絮凝的试验研究 应用基础与工程科学学报,2015,23(5):851-860
CSCD被引 9


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