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文摘 回顾了高超声速激波风洞的研制与发展,并依据高超声速实验研究对地面实验模拟技术的要求,分别介绍了应用轻气体、自由活塞和爆轰驱动技术研制的主要激波风洞的性能、特点和存在问题.重点介绍了爆轰驱动高焓激波风洞的3种主要运行模武:反向、正向爆轰驱动与双爆轰驱动.根据这些运行模式的工作原理,分析了应用这些驱动技术产生的高温、高压气源的特点,探讨了不同驱动技术可能影响激波风洞性能的关键问题与解决方法.目前发展的激波风洞已经能够用于开展马赫数3~30的高超声速流动的试验模拟研究,但是试验气流的品质还不能满足高超声速科技研究的需求.为了获得可靠的实验结果,通过不断改进、完善、提高激波风涧的性能,尽可能复现高超声速飞行条件是今后主要的研究方向.
其他语种文摘 The investigation,development and applications of hypersonic shock tunnels are reviewed in this paper.According to the requirements of hypersonic ground test facilities,shock tunnels driven by the light gases driver,the free-piston driver and detonation driver are respectively presented,and their performances,merits and problems are briefly discussed,with emphasizes laid on the detonation-driven shock tunnels operating in three modes,i.e.the backward detonation,the forward detonation and the double detonation mode.Based on their operation principals,the thus generated high-pressure and temperature flows are analyzed,the key problems existing in each mode are explored,and possible solutions are discussed.Hypersonic shock tunnels developed can,so far,be used to generate hypersonic flows with Mach number ranging from 3 to 30,however,the flow quality can't perfectly meet the requirements of hypersonic ground test facilities.Therefore,the duplication of hypersonic flight conditions have to be pursued to enhance the reliability of ground experimental data by continuously improving hypersonic shock tunnels.
来源 力学进展 ,2009,39(6):766-776 【核心库】
关键词 高焓激波风洞 ; 超高速度流动 ; 轻气体驱动器 ; 自由活塞驱动器 ; 反向爆轰驱动 ; 正向爆轰驱动 ; 双爆轰驱动 ; 气动热力学 ; 近空间飞行器

中国科学院力学研究所, 中国科学院高温气体动力学重点实验室, 北京, 100190

语种 中文
ISSN 1000-0992
学科 物理学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3704942

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