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Amorphous/crystalline blend effects on the performance of polymer-based photovoltaic cells


文摘 以局域规整聚(3-己基噻吩)(P3HT)制备了TiO_2/聚合物型双层结构光伏电池.利用稳态电流-电压测试和动态强度调制光电压谱,结合差热分析、吸收光谱和荧光光谱,研究了非晶支化聚亚乙基亚胺(BPEI)作为P3HT膜层的添加成分对TiO_2/P3HT双层电池性能的影响.由于P3HT链的高结晶性,使得TiO_2/P3HT界面接触不好,导致电池性能差.当在P3HT中共混重量比W_(BPEI/P3HT)=1%~5%的BPEI时,电池性能得到显著改善;尤其是当W_(BPEI/P3HT)=1%时,电池表现出近0.8 V的开路电压和20 μA/cm~2的短路电流.结果表明BPEI对电池性能的影响不是源于P3HT-BPEI共混体系光学性能的变化,而主要是由于其改变了TiO_2/P3HT界面接触性能.BPEI对TiO_2/P3HT界面接触有两个相互竞争的影响,这取决于P3HT-BPEI共混体系的组成.一方面,通过降低P3HT的结晶度和增强与TiO_2表面的相互作用,改善P3HT链在TiO_2表面的附着;另一方面,当BPEI含量过高时,BPEI在TiO_2表面的附着量将增加,反而会阻碍P3HT与TiO_2表面的接触.良好的TiO_2/P3HT界面接触有利于提高激子的界面分离效率、光生电子的寿命和电池效率.本文结果有望为聚合物光伏电池性能的改善提供新的认识和方法.
其他语种文摘 Bilayer TiO_2/polymer photovoltaic cells are prepared by using regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene)(P3HT) and branched poly(ethyleneimine)(BPEI) as an additive to P3HT.Influences of BPEI,an amorphous polymer,on the performance of bilayer TiO_2/P3HT cells are investigated by means of steady-state current-voltage measurements and dynamic intensity-modulated photovoltage spectroscopy,in combination with differential thermal analysis,UV-vis absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy.Due to the high crystallinity of P3HT,bilayer TiO_2/P3HT cell exhibits a poor performance.As P3HT is blended with BPEI in the weight ratio of W_(BPEI/P3HT) =1%—5%,the performance of the devices is greatly improved;in particular,as W_(BPEI/P3HT) = 1%,the cell exhibits an open-circuit voltage of 0.8V and a short-circuit current of 20μA/cm~2.Results show that the influence of BPEI on the cell performance originates from the changed interfacial contact at TiO_2/P3HT interface rather than the varied optical properties of P3HT in P3HT-BPEI blend.BPEI imposes two competitive effects on interfacial contact between TiO_2 and P3HT,depending on the compositional structure of the blend.On one hand,BPEI improves the interfacial contact by reducing the crystallinity of P3HT and enhancing the interaction between P3HT and TiO_2.On the other hand,the interfacial contact will become worse with more BPEI chains accumulating on TiO_2 surface.A good contact at TiO_2/P3HT interface facilitates the access to a high exciton dissociation efficiency,a long lifetime of photogenerated electrons and further a high device efficiency.The results presented in this paper are expected to provide new insights and a novel strategy for improving the performance of polymer-based photovoltaic cells.
来源 物理学报 ,2009,58(9):6582-6589 【核心库】
DOI 10.7498/aps.58.6582
关键词 聚(3-己基噻吩) ; 二氧化钛 ; 共轭聚合物 ; 光伏电池

中国科学院等离子体物理研究所, 安徽, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3290
学科 物理学
基金 中国科学院“百人计划”项目 ;  国家自然科学基金 ;  国家教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3671631

参考文献 共 57 共3页

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