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The Mediating Role of Self-esteem in the Peer Relationships and Mental Health of the Orphans in Sichuan Earthquake


汪艳 1   张兴利 1   朱明婧 1   谭纪村 2   石卉 3   孙姗姗 2   施建农 1 *  
文摘 目的:本研究基于心理弹性来考察汶川地震孤儿群体的自尊在其同伴关系和心理健康之间的调节作用.方法:采用自尊量表(SES)、同伴提名问卷及中国心理健康量表(CMHI)对401名五年级到初二的地震孤儿和对照组儿童进行自尊水平、同伴关系及其心理健康状况调查,使用结构方程模型来探查自尊在同伴关系和心理健康之间的调节作用.结果:自尊量表总评分对照组显著高于四川儿童;震后孤儿组在同伴接受方面程度最高;对照组的心理健康总评分和四川儿童没有显著差异;震后孤儿更多的投注于同伴接受,通过影响自我否定来间接影响心理健康;灾区非孤儿通过自我肯定的中介,调节了同伴拒绝对心理健康的影响.结论:自尊在四川地震儿童的同伴关系和心理健康之间起着重要的调节作用,体现了自我修复的力量.
其他语种文摘 Objective: Introducing resilience into this study to investigate the mediating role of self-esteem in the peer relationships and mental health of the orphans in Sichuan Earthquake. Methods: 401 children including the orphans in Sichuan Earthquake and three control groups were surveyed with questionnaires including Self-esteem Scale and Peer Nomination Questionnaire and Chinese Mental Health Inventory. Results: There was significant group difference in Self-esteem, and the Rizhao control group had higher score than the other groups. The orphans in earthquake had more peer acceptance than the other groups. There was no difference between children in Sichuan and Rizhao. The mental health and peer relationships were mediated by self-esteem of the orphans in earthquake, who paid more attention to peer acceptance to influence self-denial that had a negative connection with mental health. Conclusion: The important effect of self-esteem in peer relationships and mental health was supported by SEM in this study.
来源 心理科学进展 ,2009,17(3):562-566 【扩展库】
关键词 孤儿 ; 自尊 ; 同伴关系 ; 心理健康 ; 对照研究

1. 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 山东省日照市实验学校, 山东, 日照, 276800  

3. 山东省青岛成长心理研究所, 山东, 青岛, 266021

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1671-3710
学科 社会科学总论;基础医学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:3617584

参考文献 共 21 共2页

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