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Advances of Researches on the Evolution of Ore-forming Fluids and the Vapor Transport of Metals in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems


文摘 本文从火山喷气、岩浆热液矿床的成矿流体性质、金属元素在蒸汽相中的溶解及在蒸汽/卤水相的分配实验等方面概述了有关金属元素气相迁移及CO_2在成矿过程中作用的研究现状.火山喷气的凝结物中高浓度的Cu、Zn、Pb、As、Ag和Au,以及斑岩型矿床中低密度流体包裹体(蒸汽相)中硫化物矿物的存在,预示着上述金属是以蒸汽相搬运的.金属元素在蒸汽相中溶解实验研究表明,金属元素在蒸汽相中以[Mex_m·(H_2O)_n.]水合物的形式存在,其溶解度随着H_2O逸度和HCI逸度的增大而增加;熔体一流体体系分配实验研究揭示,NaCl-H_2O体系中存在蒸汽-卤水相分离,在含S条件下Au、As等元素通常以HS-离子络合物的形式优先溶于蒸汽相,Fe、Zn、Pb、Mn、Cs等元素以Cl-离子络合物的形式优先富集于卤水相,Cu在富S热液中优先进入蒸汽相,在富Cl贫S热液中通常富集于卤水相,表明Cu在岩浆热液中是以HS-和Cl-两种络合物的形式迁移的.CO_2在Au、Cu等金属元素迁移和沉淀过程中可能起重要的作用,不仅促进NaCl-H_2O体系相分离,并且促使HS-络合物在蒸汽相富集以及调节成矿流体的酸碱度.斑岩型Cu-Au矿床的矿化过程可概括为3个阶段:高侵位的斑岩分异出的少量岩浆流体主要形成了青磐岩化带和部分钾硅化带,矿化通常不成规模;深部岩浆房早阶段去气作用分异出的岩浆流体主要在斑岩体早期钾化基础上叠加蚀变并形成广泛的浸染状矿化和石英-硫化物细脉,在斑岩体上部形成高级泥化带并形成低温热液型Cu-Au矿化,此阶段为主矿化期,深部岩浆房晚阶段去气作用形成的岩浆流体可能主要使斑岩体和部分围岩形成绢英岩化,并伴随晚期石英-(方解石)-硫化物脉的沉淀.
其他语种文摘 Based on the researches on volcanic degassing, characteristics of ore forming fluids in magmatic hydrothermal ore deposits and experiments on the metal dissolving in vapor and the partition of metals between vapor phase and brine phase, this paper has briefly decribed the advance of researches on the vapor transport of metals and the role of CO_2 in metallogentic process of the magmatic-hydrothermal system. The high concentration of Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Ag and Au in volcanic degassing sublimates and the presence of sulfides in low density phase (vapor) of fluid inclusions of the porphyry-type deposits could indicate that those above metals were transported in vapor phase. The experiment of metal dissolving into vapor phase indicates that metals are dissolved into vapor phase in form of hydrate species such as MeX_m (H_2O)_n, with their solubility increasing sharply due to the increase of water fugacity and HC1 fugacity of the vapor phase. The experiment of melt-fluid partition coefficient of metals shows that there is phase separation between vapor and brine in the NaCl-H_2O system, Au and As are normally in favor to be dissolved into the vapor phase in form of HS~-complex in the S-bearing system, whereas Fe, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cs are dissolved in favor into the brine phase in form of chloride complex. Cu is favorablely partitioned into the vapor phase in the sulfur-rich systems, but favorablely partitioned into the brine phase in the chlorine-rich sulfur-free system. This suggests that Cu could be transported in form of chloride complex or HS-complex in magmatic fluids. CO_2 could have played important role in the processes of transport and precipitation of Au, Cu and other metals. Firstly, the COz could cause phase separation between magma and magmatic fluids and between the CO_2-rich vapor phase and the brine phase of the mgmatic fluids due to the increase of T-P range of immiscibilities among them. Secondly, it could cause the enrichment of HS-complex into vapor phase. Thirdly, the acidity of ore-forming fluids also could be changed due to the existence of CO_2,The mineralization process for Porphyry Cu-Au deposit could be roughly divided into three stages. Firstly, a small amount of magmatic fluids derived from the emplaced porphyry could result in wide proplytic alteration and partly potassic alteration with weak mineralization in the porphyry. Secondly, the critical magmatic fluids derived from early stage of magma degassing in deep magma chamber could strengthen the alteration of the porphyry and form the main stage Cu-Au mineralization in forms of dissemination and quartz-sulfide networking veinlets overlapped on the early potassic altered porphyry, and could result in advanced argillic alteration with the epithermal Cu-Au mineralization in the high-level of the porphyry. Thirdly, the magmatic fluid derived from late stage of degassing in deep magma chamber could result in the phyllic alteration and quartz-(calcite)-sulfide vein type mineralization in top part or above the porphyry body.
来源 地质论评 ,2009,55(1):100-112 【核心库】
关键词 金属元素气相迁移 ; CO_2 ; 岩浆-热液体系

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0371-5736
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3560010

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