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Mn (TFPP) Cl-manganeseporphyrin-catalyzed Alkenes Epoxidation by Hydrogen Peroxide in a Room Temperature Ionic Liquid


文摘 研究了离子液体中Mn(TFPP)Cl(meso—tatrakis(pentafluoropheyl)porphinato)manganese(Ⅲ)cloride锰卟啉催化烯烃的氧化反应.在离子液体-CH_2Cl_2混合溶剂中,以价廉、环境友好的H_2O_2为氧源,考察了离子液体结构、反应条件等对环氧化反应的影响.当氧化剂/环己烯/催化剂/咪唑=450:150:1:75(摩尔比)时,室温下,在MMISM—CH_2Cl_2的混合溶剂中,环己烯的转化率和环氧环己烷的选择性可分别达到94.8%和95.5%,远高于在纯CH_2Cl_2中的实验结果.并在最优反应条件下考察了该催化剂体系对烯烃底物的适用性.此外,反应结束后,产物可以由正己烷萃取出来,考察了混合溶剂中Mn(TFPP)Cl催化剂的重复使用情况.
其他语种文摘 Oxidation of various alkenes were performed with hydrogen peroxide as oxidant in the presence of ( mesotatrakis (pentafluoropheyl)porphinato) manganese( Ⅲ ) cloride (Mn(TFPP)Cl) as catalyst and imidazole as cocatalyst in several environmentally benign room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL). The effects of the structure of ionic liquids and reaction conditions have been investigated. The cyclohexene conversion of 94.8% and selectivity to cyclohexene epoxide of 95.5% were obtained when the reaction was performed in the mixed solvent of MMIMS- CH_2 C1_2 (1/4, v/v) at room temperature. The use of RTIL as the reaction medium makes the reaction proceed with high efficiency than that of in CH_2Cl_2. At the end of reaction, the ionic liquid manganese ( Ⅲ ) porphyrin system could be reused by extraction. However, there was a loss of catalytic activity upon recycling using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. While, selectivity to the desired epoxide was still close to 100%.
来源 分子催化 ,2008,22(3):193-198 【核心库】
关键词 Mn(TFPP)Cl ; 离子液体 ; 烯烃 ; 氧化 ; 过氧化氢

中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所, 羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室, 甘肃, 兰州, 730000

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-3555
学科 化学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:3353008

参考文献 共 23 共2页

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