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Research on Road Network Accessibility Based on Time Impedance Function


文摘 阐述了可达性的概念和在不同学科的应用范围,分析了可达性的影响因素,总结了现阶段在几何拓扑学上常用的可达性量化方法,指出重力模型法、距离法、累计机会法的使用条件和不足.在这一基础上,发现现存的问题主要是局限于空间尺度的量化不能准确地反应空间网络的联系程度,针对此问题.提出了基于时间阻抗函数的量化模型,以实际交通量作为主变量,能间接地反应空间需求强度.随后引入了节点重要度的概念,能更加直接地反映路网节点上社会、经济、交通等因素对可达性的影响,能很好地弥补时空法和效用法的不足.
其他语种文摘 The paper elaborates the accessibility concept and application scope in the different disciplines simply,analyzes the factors influencing accessibility,summarizes quantification method used commonly at the present stage in geometry topology,points out application conditions and insufficiency of the gravity model,the distance model,the accumulation opportunity method.In this foundation,discovers that quantification limiting to the spatial criterion can not respond the relation of the spatial network accurately,in view of this question,proposes the quantification model basing on the time impedance function,which takes the main variable by the practice capacity.This model can respond the spatial demand intensity indirectly.Then the paper introduces the node importance concept,it can reflect factors influencing accessibility in the road network even more directly,such as society,economy,transportation.This model can make up for the insufficiency of space and time method.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2008,27(4):117-121 【核心库】
关键词 可达性 ; 度量方法 ; 几何拓扑学 ; 时间阻抗函数 ; 节点重要度

长安大学公路学院, 陕西, 西安, 710064

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 自然地理学
文献收藏号 CSCD:3342579

参考文献 共 21 共2页

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