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曾伟 1   韩旭 1   丁桦 2   刘浩 3  
文摘 金属材料的疲劳极限或疲劳寿命等性能是长寿命机械和结构抗疲劳设计的基本数据,探讨效率高、成本低而又准确的试验新方法,成为相关研究者十分感兴趣的课题。材料在循环载荷作用下产生的塑性变形经不断累积会引起疲劳破坏,这个过程所耗的塑性功绝大部分以热量形式耗散,因此寻找热耗散温度变化过程与疲劳极限及寿命之间的关系很有意义。就此问题,文中引入利用先进的红外热成象技术确定金属材料疲劳性能的试验研究方法,主要从原理和试验方法两方面进行介绍,并对45钢的试验过程和现象作较为详细地阐述,得到较准确的疲劳极限值和基于红外热象技术确定疲劳寿命的重要参量M。
其他语种文摘 Fatigue characteristics is the basic data for designing long span machines and structures.However the fatigue characteristics evaluation using the conventional methods is time and cost consuming.Searching a novel fatigue testing method which can be more exact,efficient is attracting more and more researchers.The fracture of material under cyclic loading generally due to the accumulation of material plastic deformations,also,the plastic work is dissipated mainly in the heat energy.Therefore it is significant to find the relationship between temperature change of heat dissipation and the fatigue characteristics,such as fatigue limit and fatigue life.A novel fatigue testing method is presented based on the infrared thermographic technique by measuring the temperature change on the surface of specimens.The main principles and test process of this method has been outlined,as an example,the process and phenomenon of the 45 steel experiment using the infrared thermographic technique are reported in detail.It has been shown that the fatigue limit with high reliability and the important parameter "M" of fatigue life have been obtained.
来源 机械强度 ,2008,30(4):658-663 【核心库】
关键词 金属疲劳 ; 疲劳极限 ; 寿命预测 ; 红外热象技术 ; 热耗散

1. 湖南大学, 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室, 湖北, 长沙, 410082  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所工程科学部, 北京, 100080  

3. 北京化工大学机电工程学院, 北京, 100029

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-9669
学科 力学;金属学与金属工艺
基金 国家教育部长江学者与创新团队发展计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:3331098

参考文献 共 19 共1页

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韩旭 0000-0002-7762-225X
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