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Elementary development of multi-dimension perfectionism scale for Chinese college students


李建伟 1   宋广文 1   王淑娟 2   管阳阳 1  
文摘 目的编制适合中国文化背景的大学生完美主义量表。方法通过对被试开放式问卷所作的回答进行分析整理,制定出包含66道题目的原始问卷,然后采用探索性和验证性因素分析对问卷的因素进行检验。结果问卷包含42个项目,6个维度(分量表),分别是完美期待、个人高标准、担心错误、条理性、自省和父母要求。因素分析结果表明,6个维度可解释总方差的55.71%,各维度的项目载荷在0.49-0.85之间。分量表的分半信度为0.77-0.86,同质性信度为0.78-0.92,重测信度为0.77-0.91(P〈0.01)。验证性因素分析指标X^2、RMSEA、NFI、CFI、GFI分别为4958.638,0.063,0.892,0.900,0.895。结论编制的本土化的大学生完美主义问卷具有理想的信效度,适合本国大学生使用。
其他语种文摘 Objective To compile a native perfectionism scale for Chinese college students that fits the Chinese cultural background. Methods By analyzing and sorting the answers to the questions in the open questionnaire, the scale including 66 items were compiled. Then the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was applied to the data. Results The compiled perfectionism scale consisted of 42 items,six subscales(perfect expectation, personal standards,concerns with mistakes and doubts, organization, introspection, parents’ expectation and control).Factor analysis indicated that, the six factors explain 55.71% of the variance with loading between 0.49~0.85.The seven subscales had internal consistencies with split-half reliabilities 0.77~0.86,Cronbach’s alphas 0.78~0.92, and test-retest reliabilities of 0.77~0.91(P<0.01).The indexes of confirmatory analysis including 2,RMSEA,NFI,CFI,GFI met the requirements of psychological assessment. Conclusion The compiled native perfectionism scale for Chinese college students has satisfying validities and reliabilities and is well suitable for use among the native Chinese undergraduates.
来源 中国行为医学科学 ,2007,16(12):1135-1136 【扩展库】
关键词 完美主义 ; 本土化 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; 心理测量

1. 曲阜师范大学心理科学研究中心, 山东, 曲阜, 273165  

2. 中国科学院心理研究所

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-8559
学科 口腔科学
文献收藏号 CSCD:3062317

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