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Personal Relationships in School and Their Correlational Factors of Migrated Laborers' Children


文摘 目的:探索流动儿童的校园人际关系及相关因素。方法:选取北京市3所打工子弟小学5年级学生326人进行问卷调查。结果:流动儿童和谐的师生关系及同学关系与其问题行为及躯体化具有显著的负相关,不和谐的师生关系及同学关系与之具有显著的正相关;父母亲受教育程度与同学关系相关显著;亲子关系及父母的夫妻关系与流动儿童的师生关系及同学关系有显著的正相关;不和谐同学关系是家庭因素影响流动儿童的问题行为和躯体化程度的中介变量(回归系数的β值分别为0.42和0.18),同时亲子关系直接影响问题行为(β=-0.14),父亲受教育程度直接影响躯体化程度(β=-0.16)。结论:流动儿童的校园人际关系受母亲受教育程度等家庭因素的影响,同时又与家庭因素一起影响了流动儿童的问题行为和躯体化程度。
其他语种文摘 Objective:To explore personal relationships in school and their correlational factors of migrated laborer's children.Methods:326 students of grade 5 in 3 elementary schools for migrated laborers' children in Beijing were investigated by questionnaires.Results:For the migrated laborers' children,their harmonious relationship with teachers and peers was negatively correlated with their behavioral problems and somatization,and their disharmonious relationship with teachers and peers was correlated with behavioral problems and somatization positively.The parents' educational degree was positively correlated with their relationship with peers,and parent-child relationship and parents' connubial relationship were positively correlated with relationships with teachers and peers.The disharmonious relationship with peers was mediator of the affection of family factors on the behavioral problems and somatization(regression coefficients for behavioral problemes:β=0.42;for somatization:β=0.18),parent-child relationship affected behavioral problems directly(β=-0.14);and father's educational degree affected somatization directly(β=-0.16).Conclusion:For the migrated laborers' children,the personal relationships in school were affected by their family factors such as mother's educational degree and affected their behavioral problems and somatization with family factors together.
来源 中国临床心理学杂志 ,2007,15(4):389-391,394 【扩展库】
关键词 校园人际关系 ; 流动儿童 ; 家庭 ; 问题行为 ; 躯体化

中国科学院心理研究所, 中科院心理健康重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1005-3611
学科 基础医学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:2974657

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