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The Regional Influencial Model of Wirelike Geo-object and Case Study in Comprehensive Evaluation


马欣 1   吴绍洪 1   康相武 2   杨勤业 1   夏富强 1   刘自强 3  
文摘 在地理学研究中.常见各种线状地物对区域的性质产生重要影响。但在区域的综合评价过程中,对这种线状地物的影响多采用概化的评估方法操作,如分区、分带和距离划分等,并且评估结果的生成效率较低。经过分析,线状地物对区域的影响有距离衰减、等级效应、辐合效应和方向效应等共性特点。通过对比。发现线状地物对区域影响作用的空间分布属于二维场模型。场的基本性质是具有空间结构和属性域、连续性、各向同性和各向异性、空间自相关等。为此.我们提出采用区域影响场模型对线状地物对区域的影响进行拟合.并且利用GIS软件生成线状地物的区域影响场。通过实例验证.结果表明运用区域影响场能够较好的反映线状地物对区域的影响作用程度.适用于线状地物对区域影响作用的表达。
其他语种文摘 In geography study, wirelike geo-objects often have basic influence on regional characteristics, such as fault affecting regional crustal stability, traffic line affecting regional social and economic activity,and etc. But in the process study of influences of wirelike geo-object currently of regional comprehensive assessment, the uses approximate assessment methods, such as setting fixed affecting width or simply making off high, middle and low affecting areas, and etc. And the produce of assessment is inefficient. By analysis, the regional influence of wirelike geo-objects has common characteristics such as: distance attenuation, class effect, congregate effect and direction effect, etc. And the basic feature of field includes spatial construction and feature domain, continuity and differentiability, istropic and anisotropic, self-mutuality, and etc. In contrast to wirelike geo-object influence and field model, the result shows that the distribution of wirelike geo-object influence belongs to 2-D field model and using the feature of field can adequately reflect the characteristic of wirelike geo-object to region. Therefore, we suggest taking the model of regional influence field to imitate wirelike geo-object influence for region. And by using of GIS to form regional influence field of wirelike geo-object, the results show that regional influence field can preferable reflect the degree of wirelike geo-object affected field and is applicable to express the regional influence of wirelike geo-object.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2007,26(1):87-94 【核心库】
关键词 线状地物 ; GIS ; 场模型 ; 区域影响

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 北京, 100101  

2. 中国科学技术信息研究所战略研究中心, 北京, 100038  

3. 新疆师范大学生命与环境科学学院, 乌鲁木齐, 830054

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 系统科学
基金 国家科技攻关计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2863486

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