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Situations and Strategy of Sustained Development on Alpine Grassland-Livestock Industry in Headwater Region of Yangtze and Yellow Rivers


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文摘 人类无节制的索取、掠夺,导致江河源区草地畜牧业存在着一系列问题:草地生产与家畜之间供求矛盾突出;超载过牧及鼠虫害严重、草地严重退化;畜群结构不合理、抗灾保畜能力差;高寒草地畜牧业理论研究不足、缺乏高质量的示范区.针对该地区草地畜牧业存在的问题,根据国家西部大开发和可持续发展战略的需求,应当做到:①加强天然草地资源的科学管理和合理利用;②发展季节畜牧业、加快畜群周转;③建植和利用已建的人工草地,加强冷季补饲和育肥;④优化家庭牧场生态结构及生产模武;⑤建立建全草地资源监测(包括野生动物监测)、预报和综合评价指标体系;⑥建立不同生态类型畜牧业优化生产模式及技术体系的示范区;(加强牧区教育和基础设施建设、建立生态建设补偿机制.
其他语种文摘 Human having come down and depredated immoderately on grassland resource had been badly threatening living environment and sustainable development in Yangtze and Yellow Rivers headwater region. Which resulted in a series of problems on grassland-livestock industry:contradiction of supply and demand between grassland and livestock being outstanding [Overstocking, mouse and insect pest being bad, and rangeland badly degraded; drove structure being immoderate, and infrastructure of resisting disaster and protecting livestock being bad;theory study of alpine grassland-livestock industry being scarce and lacking good demonstration templets.Therefore,contraposing problems of grassland-livestock industry in this region,according to national demand strategies of western expending and sustainable developing,these would be done as follows: ①to strengthen scientific management and reasonable utilization of natural rangeland resources; ②to development seasonal livestock industry and quicken turnover of drove; ③to plant and use planted artificial grassland,and to enhance supplementary in winter;④to optimize ecological structure and production model of household farmer;⑤ to found and perfect supervising(including wild animal),forecasting,and all-round evaluating system for rangeland resources;⑥to establish optimal production models of livestock industry and demonstration region of technological system in the different eco-type grasslands; ?to reinforce pastoral education and infrastructure build,and to erect ecological compensation mechanism.
来源 农业现代化研究 ,2007,28(4):438-442 【核心库】
关键词 江河源区 ; 草地畜牧业 ; 可持续发展策略

1. 青海省畜牧兽医科学院, 青海, 西宁, 810016  

2. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0275
学科 畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂
基金 国家“十五”科技攻关重大项目 ;  国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重大项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2840293

参考文献 共 32 共2页

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