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A Floristic Study of Flora of Seed Plants of the Chaqia-Gonghe Basin and Its Contiguous Zone in Qinghai, China


文摘 茶卡-共和盆地及其毗邻地区位于青海省的东部,约处于北纬34°45'~37°00',东经98°45'~101°30'.海拔2 800~5 305 m,面积约38 300 km2,属于高原大陆性气候类型.本区共有野生种子植物59科、277属、854种.分别占青海省总科数的65.56%、总属数的54.53%、总种数的37.37%.区系特征如下:1、种类相对较贫乏,木本更贫乏.2、就属的层面而言,本区属于以北温带成分,特别是欧亚大陆温、寒地带典型成分为优势的,兼具旱生温性、耐寒温性和高寒类型的温带区系性质.3、许多种、属和热带类型均以本区为边缘分布区,因而区系的边缘性质明显.4、为青藏高原高寒区系、黄土高原温性(草原)植物区系和亚洲东部荒漠区系在我国的交汇过渡区,区系的过渡性质明显.5、是青藏高原植物亚区唐古特地区的一部分.6、是青海植物区系或"唐古特植物地区"划分植物亚地区的关键区域.
其他语种文摘 The Chaqia-Gonghe Basin and its contiguous zone is situated in eastern Qinghai of China, between latitude 34° 45'-37°00'N and longitude 98°45'-101°30'E. Ranging from 2 800 m to 5 305 m in altitude, the total area is about 38 300 km . Its climate is continental or plateau-continental one. There are 854 species of native seed plants belonging to 59 families and 277 genera there, which occupied 37.37% of the total species, 54.53% of the total genera and 65.56% of the total families in Qinghai respectively. The floristic characteristics of the native seed plants are as follows: (1) Number of species and woody ones there are poor. (2) At generic level, the flora is temperate in nature, dominated by north temperate elements especially the typical elements from the warm and cold zone of Eurasia, but also with some elements of warm, cold warm and alpine ones. (3) The area is a margin of distribution for many species or genera especially for topical ones, and thus, the flora of the area is clearly marginal in nature. (4) Floristic-geographically, it is a converged and transitional region for the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Alpine Flora, Loess Plateau Warm Flora, as well as East Asia Alpine Desert Flora. (5) It is a part of the Tangute Flora. (6) It is a key area to divide the subregions in the flora of Qinghai on the Tangute Area.
来源 云南植物研究 ,2007,29(3):265-276 【核心库】
关键词 青海 ; 茶卡-共和盆地及其毗邻地区 ; 植物区系 ; 区系特征 ; 区系分区

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2700
学科 植物学
基金 国家自然科学基金项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2815872

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