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The particle simulation of the plume flow exhausted from the stationary plasma thruster


文摘 本文利用结合了particle-in-cell方法的直接模拟Monte Carlo方法模拟了稳态等离子体推进器的羽流场.为了更真实地再现实验设备中的流动,模拟中包含了背压气体,并在计算中直接模拟,改变了以往的中性粒子平衡态的处理方式.为了匹配试验结果,修正了推进器出口处气流偏转角分布,并建议最大偏转半角取为20°.计算结果与现有的实验结果符合较好.
其他语种文摘 In this paper, the stationary plasma thruster plume flow is simulated by using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method combined with the particle in cell method. In order to reproduce the flow conditions in the experimental facility more realistically, the backgnmnd gas is included and simulated directly and the neutral particles are treated separately not as the equilibrium state. The distribution of deflection angle at the thruster outlet is also modified to match with experimental results and the half deflection angle of 20° is suggested. The agreement of the simulation results with the experiment is good.
来源 空气动力学学报 ,2006,24(4):425-429 【核心库】
关键词 电推进 ; DSMC-PIC方法 ; 中性粒子 ; 偏转角

中科院力学所, 中科院高温气体动力学(LHD)重点实验室, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0258-1825
学科 航空
文献收藏号 CSCD:2640589

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