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A Review of Distributed Model for Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield


文摘 随着计算机技术与地理信息系统(GIS)技术的发展,分布式侵蚀产沙模型成为当今土壤侵蚀领域研究重点与发展方向。本文在分析国内外几个主要的分布式侵蚀产沙模型基础上,探讨了分布式侵蚀产沙模型的技术路线与技术实现,最后指出目前我国分布式侵蚀产沙模型研究存在的主要问题:(1)分布式水文模型的深入研究为分布式侵蚀产沙模型提供了不少借鉴,但如何在分布式水文模型的基础上开发侵蚀模块还存在一些问题:(2)目前国内分布式土壤侵蚀模型大都基于黄土高原而得出,模型有一定的局限性;(3)当前的大多侵蚀产沙的关系式(尤其是坡面侵蚀关系式)是经验型的,汇沙的过程考虑得过于简单,没有深入探讨水文与土壤侵蚀之间的关系;(4)目前大多数分布式土壤侵蚀模型没有考虑次暴雨产流的时间变化与空间变化。
其他语种文摘 With the development of computer and GIS, distributed model for soil erosion and sediment yield has become the developing direction in the field of soil erosion. This paper discussed the technical route and realization of distributed model based on the analysis of the main distributed models home and abroad at present. Finally, the paper indicated some problems of the distributed models for soil erosion and sediment yield in our country: (1) there are many problems in the developing of distributed models for soil erosion and sediment yield which are based on the distributed hydrological models, although the latter provides many references for study of the former; (2) the distributed models for soil erosion and sediment yield are mainly based on the loess plateau and the models are regional at present in our county; (3) most relational expressions of soil erosion and sediment are mainly empirical and the process of soil influx is simply beginning to be considered nowadays; (4) the spatial and temporal change of single rain event was ignored in most distributed models for soil erosion and sediment yield at present. In the future, the above problems should be solved in the constructing of distributed model for soil erosion and sediment yield in our country.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2006,25(3):48-54 【核心库】
关键词 地理信息系统(GIS) ; 分布式侵蚀产沙模型 ; 土壤侵蚀 ; 技术实现

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 农业基础科学
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2509251

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