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Characteristics of Radiation Balance on the Alpine Wetland in Haibei Prefecture of the Qilian Mountains in Growing Season


文摘 依据祁连山海北高寒湿地植物生长期观测资料, 分析了区域辐射收支情况及其变化特征. 结果表明: 祁连山海北高寒湿地有较强的太阳总辐射(DR), 但地表反射辐射(UR)、地面有效辐射(ELR)较低;地表长波辐射(ULR)、大气逆辐射(DLR)、净辐射(Rn)均较高, 且具有明显的日、季节变化. 植物生长期5~9月的日变化振幅DR>Rn>UR>ULR>DLR>ELR, 其总量表现出ULR>DLR>DR>Rn>UR>ELR, 分别达4650.6、 4225.5、 3058.8、 2156.2、 477.6和425.1 MJ·m-2. 从月际分布来看, ULR、 DLR、 DR最高出现在7月, Rn出现在6月, UR出现在5月, ELR出现在8月, 分别为980.3、 913.1、 721.5、 554.9、 112.1和127.4 MJ·m-2.
其他语种文摘 In this paper, radiation balance and changing characteristics on alpine wetland in Haibei Prefecture of the Qilian Mountains were analyzed according to long-term observation data in growing season. The results showed that there were higher total global solar radiation (DR), lower surface reflected radiation CUR) and lower surface effective radiation for the alpine wetland, as well as higher long - wave radiation CDLR), atmospheric inversion radiation {ULR) and net radiation (Rn). Their diurnal and seasonal variations were pronounced. As regards the diurnal variationduring growing season (from May to September), the order was DR>Rn>UR>ULR>DLR>ELR, however, as regards the total quantity, the order wasULR>DLR> DR>Rn>UR>ELR, with the values of 4650. 6, 4225. 5, 3058. 8, 2156. 2, 477. 62 and 425. 1 MJ o rrT2 , respectively. In light of monthly variations, the month maxima of ULR , DLK and DR were in July (950. 1 MJ o m~2); those of i?n, UR and ELR were in June, May and August. The values of ULR, DLR, DR, Rn, UR and ELR were 980. 3, 913. 1, 721. 5, 554, 9, 112. 1 and 127. 4 MJ o rrT2, respectively.
来源 冰川冻土 ,2006,28(4):549-555 【核心库】
关键词 植物生长期 ; 祁连山海北地区 ; 高寒湿地 ; 辐射收支

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810008

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0240
学科 大气科学(气象学)
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 ;  国家973计划 ;  中国-日本合作项目 ;  中国-日本合作项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2421575

参考文献 共 16 共1页

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