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Morphologic structure and functional evolution of visual system in subterranean rodents


杜央威 1   李金钢 1   赵新全 2  
文摘 感觉系统的适应进化机制一直是动物行为学研究的焦点。生活在特殊环境中的动物,其感觉系统在进化过程中表现出的显著差异更是引人注目。由于适应地下黑暗生活环境,地下啮齿动物感觉系统在各个组织水平都表现出进化和退化镶嵌的形态特征,其视觉系统表现得最为突出:视觉器官退化,有关图象分析结构、由视觉诱导产生行为反应的脑区及视觉投射严重退化,有关感受光周期的“非成像”视觉通路结构高度发达。本文综述了地下啮齿动物视觉系统的结构、功能、进化与发育等方面的研究进展,旨在阐明地下啮齿动物视觉系统的特点,有助于开展地下啮齿动物视觉系统适应进化机制的研究。
其他语种文摘 Adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of sensory systems are the focus of the animal behavior research. Special in terest has been given to a particular ecotype species, subterranean rodents, whose sensory systems show conspicuous features during the evolution process. Their sensory systems have mosaic morphological features of both porgression and regers sion at different organzation levels because of adapting to subterranean dark ecotype. The visual system is the most prominent ezample among their sensory systems. he ocular system is regrressive, and brain structures involved in analysis and forming of image and visully guided behaviors are degenerated in size, and their visual p;rojection is reduced, bot the structures of the "non-image forming: visual pathway involoved in photoperiodic perception are well developed. The adaptivesuructures, function, evolution and development of subterranean rodents are reviewed in this paper in order to further illustrate trais of visual system, and better assist the study of the adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of visual system in subterranean rodents.
来源 兽类学报 ,2006,26(1):76-83 【核心库】
关键词 地下啮齿动物 ; 视觉系统 ; 适应进化机制

1. 陕西师范大学生命科学学院, 西安, 710062  

2. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1000-1050
学科 动物学
基金 陕西省自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:2345483

参考文献 共 84 共5页

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