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A Modular Framework of Distributed Hydrological Modeling System: HydroInformatic Modeling System, HIMS


文摘 由于水文循环过程的复杂性和空间变异性.集成不同的水循环模型。基于模块化结构、构建面向多目标的水文模拟系统已经成为当今水文模拟技术发展的一个重要方向。本文从科学研究和水资源管理的实际需要。首次研发国内基于模块化的分布式水文模拟系统,并提出了“信息化水文模拟系统(HydroInformatic Modeling System,简称HIMS)”。HIMS是一个以水循环信息平台为基础.基于组件式结构设计的开放式综合水循环模拟系统,侧重于分布式水文过程的模拟与应用。文中对HIMS的设计思路。主要功能与结构进行了详细介绍.包括基于国产GIS软件SuperMap的水循环信息系统、模型数据前/后处理系统和水文模型方法库系统。其中,HIMS的水文模型方法库系统集成了水文过程方法库和多种水文模型,并提供定制水文模型的功能。HIMS的提出发展了水文模型理论和建模技术.拓宽了国内分布式水文模型的研究思路。
其他语种文摘 Distributed hydrological models have been shown high light on because of the spatial variability of hydrological processes. On the other hand, the complexity of the hydrological processes, the multi-purposes of hydrological modeling and the availability of observed data have made it difficult to bring forward a hydrological model system for general use. It is always confused and time consumed to find a model of most fit to practical application because of the variety types of hydrological models. In this paper, the framework of a modular based distributed hydrological modeling system has been discussed. The system was so called Hydroinformatic Modeling System (HIMS), include hydroinformatic management system, data pre-and post-processing system, and hydrological model & function library. For the management and processing of spatial information, basic GIS functions have been integrated into system on the basis of SU- PERMAP, which is component based GIS software. The hydrological function library (HFL), which represents different processes of hydrological cycle, was the core of the entire system. Distributed hydrological models of different scale were all established on the HFL. The HIMS has been applied to hydrological research in the Yellow River Basin and has reached to some success. However, since it is still in its trial version, much more work need to be done to improve it.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2005,24(6):109-115 【核心库】
关键词 分布式模型 ; 水文模拟系统 ; HIMS

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中科院陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室, 北京, 100101

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 系统科学;地球物理学
基金 国家973计划 ;  水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:2163465

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