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Research on The Information Extraction and Dynamic Change of Urban and Rural Residential Areas of LongKou City


文摘 以胶东半岛龙口市为研究区域,利用1983年地形图、Landsat 1992.6和2002.6两个时期的TM影像,首先分析了该区域城镇聚落的影像特征,研究了城镇聚落及其背景地物的光谱特征,并探讨了它们在光谱特征上的可分性;然后分析并建立了基于光谱特征和形状特征的简单决策树模型,对研究区域城镇聚落信息进行了提取。在此基础上,简要分析了胶东半岛龙口市近20年来,城镇聚落动态变化的特点。
其他语种文摘 By taking Longkou city of Shandong byland as a study area,the extraction of urban and rural residential information from topographic map in 1983 and TM images in 1992 and 2002 is discussed. Firstly,the characteristics of urban and rural residential areas in this area on the image are studied. Secondly, spectral characteristics of urban and rural residential areas and other land-use types are analyzed to find the possibility of urban and rural residential areas and the background according to the spectral characteristics. Thirdly, a simple model of decision tree to extract urban and rural residential information is proposed on the basis of spectral characteristics and shape characteristics. In the end ,the dynamic change characters of urban and rural residential areas of Longkou city in nearly twenty years were analyzed. The study indicates that the driving force to the urban and rural residential area expansion in Longkou city was the rapid industry development. The urban and rural residential information shows remarkable changes in recent 20 years, and its total area got two times increase. In the first ten-year period, its urban resident quantity grew rapidly, and urban area had relatively notable expansion. After 1992, however, the increase of urban resident quantity slow down, while the urban area expansion speed kept higher. The overall development pattern indicates that the urban & rural resident in Longkou City shows evident tendency of urbanization and rural-town mergence.
来源 地理科学进展 ,2005,24(5):113-120 【核心库】
关键词 TM影像 ; 城镇聚落 ; 信息提取 ; 动态变化

烟台师范学院, 山东, 烟台, 264025

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-6301
学科 测绘学
基金 山东省自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:2163359

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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引证文献 1

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CSCD被引 3


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