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Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopic studies of Huangboshuwan witherite deposit at Ziyang and Wenyuhe witherite deposit at Zhushan, China


吕志成 1   刘丛强 2   刘家军 3   赵志琦 2   吴丰昌 2   李剑 1  
文摘 紫阳黄柏树湾毒重石矿床和竹山文峪河毒重石。重晶石矿床呈层状或似层状产于下寒武统下邵或其相当层位的硅质岩中,矿体受岩性和岩相控制作用明显。对矿床中毒重石、钡解石和方解石的锶同位素及碳氧同位素的研究结果表明,形成这些矿物的碳主要来自沉积物中的生物有机质在早期成岩阶段经降解、缩合及脱羧基作用所形成的烃类物质或生物气;而锶主要为沉积物孔隙水中海水锶与沉积物中火山碎屑物质蚀变过程中所释放的锶的混合。毒重石形成于早期成岩阶段沉积物的孔隙水介质中,形成毒重石的成矿流体主要为早期成岩阶段沉积物中由海水、有机质组分和火山物质组分相互叠加和混合而组成的孔隙水有机成矿流体。毒重石矿石中广泛发育的生物碎屑及粒屑结构说明生物作用通过生物成因重晶石(bio-barite)的形式将海水中的Ba^2+浓集并沉降于海底,形成钡矿床的初始富集体。因而,海水中生物作用和沉积物的早期成岩作用是形成本区毒重石矿床的主要机制。[著者文摘]
其他语种文摘 Being sLraLiforni or slratoid, the Ihiangboshuwaii wilherile deposit al. Ziyang and ihe Wenyuhe vV itherile-barile deposit at Zhushan occur in Lhe lower Lower (lambrian siliceous rocks and lhe ore bodies are j-t-Miiarkably controlled by lilhologieal characteristics and petrography. Strontium, carbon and oxygen isotopic studies cyi witherite, baryloealcile and culeite have shown that the carbon, involved in the formation of these minerals, was derived largely from hydrocarbons and biogctietic gases resultant from degradation, condensation and tlehydroxylalion of bio-organic matter in sediments ;U the early stage of diagenesis; the strontium was a mixture of strontium in pore water and that released from alteration of volcanic mater in the sediment. Strontium, carbon and oxygen isotopic studies unanimously demonstrate thai wilherite was precipitated in organic carbon-rich pore water medium during the early stage of diagenesis. lixlensive occurrence of biodetritus and clastic texture in witherite ores srilrongly evidences that Ba2+ was concentrated and settled down in lhe form of bio-barite on the seafloor as a result of biological processes, thereafter forming the initially enriched orebodies of barium deposits. Biological processes in seawaler and early diagenesis in sediments are lhe major ore-forming mechanisms ol wilherile deposits in the region studied.
来源 地球化学 ,2005,34(6):557-573 【核心库】
关键词 毒重石矿床 ; 锶同位素 ; 碳同位素 ; 氧同位素 ; 早期成岩作用 ; 生物成因重晶石 ; 紫阳 ; 竹山

1. 中国地质调查局发展研究中心, 北京, 100037  

2. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

3. (北京)中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京, 100083

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院“百人计划”项目 ;  云南省省院省校合作项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2096753

参考文献 共 50 共3页

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1. 四川龙门山剖面海相碳酸盐岩无机碳、氧同位素地化数据(359-358 Ma)

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