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An Analysis of Touristic Ecological Footprint and Eco compensation of Jiuzhaigou in 2002


文摘 建立自然保护区周边社区居民的生态补偿制度,是自然保护区取得社会经济发展和自然资源保护的关键.文章提出旅游生态足迹的概念与计算方法,以九寨沟为例,构建基于旅游生态足迹效率的自然保护区居民生态补偿标准的测度模型.结果表明:①2002年九寨沟游客人均旅游生态足迹为0.061hm2,其年度转化值为8.881 7hm2,是当地居民人均生态足迹0.961 6hm2的9.27倍;②叠加游客人均旅游生态足迹,九寨沟总人均生态足迹需求为1.005 3hm2,人均生态承载力为1.202 6hm2,生态盈余为0.197 3hm2;③旅游生态足迹效率为8 643元/hm2,是当地居民生态足迹效率2 613元/hm2的3.31倍;④以居民退耕还林还草的直接收益损失作为生态补偿最低标准,户均应补偿2 159元,人均应补偿472元,以退耕还林还草的游憩功能价值作为生态补偿上限,户均应补偿7 142元,人均应补偿1 561元,以旅游者与当地居民的生态足迹效率之差来确定合理的补偿水平,户均应补偿4 983元,人均应补偿1 088元.
其他语种文摘 It is very important to establish a suit of eco-compensation system for natural reserve residents,and which is the key to acquire sustainable developmeni: for nature reserve.The paper puts forward the concept of touristic ecological footprint and its calculation model by taking Jiuzhaigou natural reserve as an example,calculates and analyses the tourists and residents ecological footprints.Based on the touristic ecological footprint,it constructs an eco-compensation estimate model for residents of the nature reserve.Four conclusions have been summarized: (1) The touristic ecological footprint of Jiuzhaigou is 0.061hm2 per capita in 2002.In comparison, extrapolating the footprint of a tourist to Jiuzhaigou (1.8 clays) to 1 year.results in an area of 8.8817hm2 per capita in 2002, 9.27 times that of the average footprints 0.961 6hm2 of citizens of Jiuzhaigou. (2) Plus the tourist ecological footprint.the total ecological footprint of Jiuzhaigou in 2002 is 1.005 3hm2 per capita,ecological capacity is 1.202 6hm2 per capita,ecological remainder is 0.197 3hm2 per capita.(3)In Jiuzhaigou,the average tourist output of 1 hm2 ecological footprint is 8 643 yuan,3.31 times the average output 2 613 yuan of the Jiuzhaigou citizens ecological footprint. (4) Takes the direct lost benefits of De-farming and Reafforestation as the lowest eco-compensation leveljiuzhaigou residents should be paid 2 159 yuan per family or 472 yuan per person.Takes the adding recreational benefits of De-farming and Reafforestation as the highest eco-compensation leveljiuzhaigou residents should be paid 7 142 yuan per family or 1 561 yuan per person.Takes the difference of economic efficiency of ecological footprint between tourists and residents as a reasonable leveljiuzhaigou residents should be paid 4 983 yuan per family or 1 088 yuan per person.
来源 自然资源学报 ,2005,20(5):735-744 【核心库】
关键词 旅游生态足迹 ; 生态补偿 ; 利益主体 ; 生态足迹效率 ; 九寨沟 ; 漳扎镇

南京大学,城市与资源学系, 江苏, 南京, 210093

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-3037
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 ;  安徽省高等学校青年教师科研资助计划项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:2084924

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