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Changes of soil quality in the process of karst rocky desertification and evaluation of impact on ecological environment


刘方 1   王世杰 1   刘元生 2   何腾兵 2   罗海波 2   龙健 3  
文摘 通过对贵州中部喀斯特地区进行植被调查与土壤样品分析,探讨石漠化过程中土壤质量变化及其对生态环境的影响.结果表明:喀斯特石漠化过程中随着植物群落退化度的提高,土壤出现粘质化,有机质含量急剧下降,植物可利用的养分含量减少,提高了石漠化对生态环境影响的潜能;随着植被覆盖率下降、土地垦殖率增加,引起土壤质量明显退化,加剧了石漠化发生的强度和速度.石漠化区土壤有机质、物理性粘粒、有效氮磷钾含量与植被覆盖率、土地复垦率有显著的相关性,以这些参数作为评价指标,初步将喀斯特石漠化过程中土壤质量变化对生态环境潜在影响的程度分为3个等级.
其他语种文摘 In the karst areas of southwestern China, carbonate rock covers about 33SOO0 km2. The geological environment is extremely fragile, the area is also overpopulated and the economy is backward. This has led to serious land degradation in the form of karst rocky desertification. Karst rocky desertification is a process of land degradation involving serious soil erosion, extensive exposure of basement rocks, drastic decrease in soil productivity, and the appearance of a desert-like landscape. It is caused by irrationally intensive land use on fragile karst geo-ecological environment. Such rapidly expanding process leads to the diminishing of the biodiversity of the karst ecosystem and thinning the thickness of soil, which can result in environmental disasters in the karst areas of southwestern China. Soil, as a growing media for plants, plays an important role in ecological environment. Therefore, researches on the changes of soil quality, due to degeneration of forests and the decrease of regional vegetation, is of great importance to control rocky desertification and to restore ecological environment of karst areas. Guizhou province, with an area of 176000 km2, lies in the centre of the Southeast Asian karst zone. Carbonate rock is widespread and accounts for 62% of the total land area, and karst rocky desertification is a serious problem in this region. This paper focuses on the changes of soil quality in the process of karst rocky desertification in Guizhou province by investigating the rate changes of vegetable coverage, land reclamation, and exposure of basement rocks, in an attempt to understand and assess the impact of karst rocky desertification on the ecological environment. Soil samples were collected from top soil layer (0~15 cm) in the vegetable-investigation areas. This work is focused on the variations of pH, and the contents of organic matter, clay and major nutrient elements (N, P, K) of the soils. Soil pH was measured in a 1:1 soil to solution ratio using distilled water, and soil texture was determined by the hydrometer method. Available N, P, K was determined using diffuse method, Olsen method and flame photometry method, respectively. The results showed that, along with the degradation of vegetable communities, the contents of organic matter and available N, P, K reduced significantly, while the content of <0. 01mm clay enhanced. So that the potential of karst rocky desertification impacting on ecological environment was increased, under reducing the rate of vegetable coverage and increasing the rate of land reclamation the soil quality was obviously degrading so as to increase the intensity and the velocity of karst rocky desertification. The results also showed that the contents of organic matter, <0. Of mm clay, and available N, P, K in the soils could be used as primary indices to evaluate the changes of soil quality in the progress of karst rocky desertification and its impact on ecological environment. These indices correlated significantly with the grades of vegetable coverage rates and land reclamation rates, but didn't correlated significantly with the grades of rocky coverage rates. Using these indices to evaluate lite changes of soil quality, the result from cluster analysis showed three groupings in this area; (f) the soils with no potential impact on the ecological environment, wherein the contents of organic matter, available N, P, K were > 100000, >350, >10, and >120mg/kg, respectively, and the content of<0. 01mm clay was 40% - 50%; the soils with potential impact on the ecological environment, wherein the contents of organic matter, available N, P, K were 50000~ 100000, 200 - 350, 5~ 10 and >90mg/kg, respectively, and the content of <0. 01mm clay was 5O%-70% the soils with obvious impact on the ecological environment, wherein the contents of organic matter, available N, P, K were <50000, <200, <5 and O0mg/kg, respectively, and the content of <(), 01mm clay was >70%.
来源 生态学报 ,2005,25(3):639-644 【核心库】
关键词 喀斯特 ; 石漠化 ; 土壤质量 ; 环境影响评价

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 贵州大学环境与资源研究所, 贵州, 贵阳, 550025  

3. 贵州师范大学地理科学系, 贵州, 贵阳, 550004

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0933
学科 农业基础科学
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ;  中国科学院广州地球化学研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1989790

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