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Acid Mining Drainage Impacts on the Separation Between Iron and Manganese in Sediments of the Aha Lake, Guizhou Province


文摘 贵州阿哈湖1982年扩容后,长期受到煤矿废水的污染,大量铁、锰元素随废水带入湖中研究发现:主要来自酸性矿山废水的还原态溶解铁、锰离子在入湖向下游迁移过程中发生了显著地分离.受岩溶地区湖泊较强的酸中和能力及近年人为石灰投放的影响,湖泊未被酸化,Fe2+,Mn2+在入湖运移过程中由于氧化速率的差异,在不同的湖区发生沉积,形成了铁、锰在水平迁移上的明显分离;锰在深湖区上层沉积物中富集现象明显,并在沉积深度上与铁形成垂向上的显著分离.经过陆源校正,证实铁、锰在阿哈湖的显著分离的开始是对该湖扩容事件的响应.扩容后下游沉积物中铁含量逐渐减少,孔隙水中溶解铁分布特征也指示铁还原作用主要发生在沉积物下层,表明铁在沉积后再迁移能力较弱.锰还原过程则发生在上层沉积物中,再迁移能力很强.本研究还提出了来自煤矿废水的Fe2+、Mn2+在入湖水平运移过程中,铁、锰逐步分离、富集以及在沉积深度上的分离模式。
其他语种文摘 Since the Aha Lake, located in Guizhou Province, China, was enlarged in 1982, a great amount of iron and manganese were input into it owing to the uninterrupted pollution from acidic mining drainage of coal mines (AMD). The results show that dis-solved Fe2 ' and Mn2 + , mainly from AMD, were markedly separated each other as water flowed from inlet to downstream. The Aha lake water, with the average pH equal to 7.28, was not acidified just because the lake is developed in the karst area and people con-tinuously put lime in it in recent years. Fe2 + and Mn2+ deposit in the different locations in lake because of the difference of oxidizing rate between Fe2i and Mn2+ during water flowing from inlet to downstream, and also forming the horizontal separation along the lake water flowing direction. Manganese tends to be obviously enriched in the upper of sediment in lake's deep locations, presenting the remarkable separation with iron in the vertical section. After normalized by Ti content in sediment, it is obvious that the remark-able separation between iron and manganese corresponds with the enlargement of lake in 1982. As shown in the concentration profile of pore water in sediment, iron was remobilized weakly while manganese reduction mainly happens in the upper of sediment, indicat-ing its strong remobilization. Based on the studies, a mechanism for environment and fractionation of Fe2"1 /Mn2+ during water flow-ing in the lake was also demonstrated.
来源 环境科学 ,2005,26(1):135-140 【核心库】
关键词 阿哈湖 ; 铁锰分离 ; 沉积物 ; 矿山废水

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0250-3301
学科 环境科学基础理论
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1877317

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