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An New Area Function for Sharp Indenter Tips in Nanoindentation


文摘 A new area function is introduced and applied to a Berkovich tip in order to characterize the contact projected area between an indenter and indented material. The function can be related directly to tip-rounding, thereby having obviously physical meaning. Nanoindentation experiments are performed on a commercial Nano Indenter XPsystem. The other two area functions introduced by Oliver and Pharr and by Thurn and Cook respectively are involved in this paper for comparison. By comparison from experimental results among different area functions, the indenter tip described by the proposed area function here is very close to the experimental indenter.
其他语种文摘 为了研究纳米硬度计压针尖端曲率半径对面积函数的影响,提出一个基于几何方法建立的压针面积函数.这个函数在接触面积和压针曲率半径之间建立了直接的联系,具有明显的物理意义.通过纳米硬度计Nano Indenter XP的压痕试验来检查此面积函数的有效性,并将这个面积函数的测试结果与其他两种已有的用不同方法确定面积函数测试结果对比,说明这里提出的这个压头面积函数能很好地描述试验中的实际压头.
来源 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics ,2004,17(3):159-164 【核心库】
DOI 10.1016/s1000-9361(11)60231-8
关键词 indentation ; indenter ; contact area ; area function ; tip-rounding

中科院力学所, LNM,CAS, 北京, 100080

语种 英文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-9361
学科 航空
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1844766

参考文献 共 14 共1页

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