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Mathematical Model to Recover Gas Hydrate from Formations


喻西崇 1   吴应湘 1   安维杰 2   李清平 2   邬亚玲 3  
文摘 目前从天然气水合物中开采天然气的方法,主要有热激发法、化学试剂法和减压法.文章通过适当简化,从理论上推导出减压法开采天然气的数值模型和水合物分解前缘边界曲面离井筒距离表达式,并对推导出的偏微分方程经过线性简化和自相似原理,推导出多孔介质水合物地层中压力和温度的分布方程和天然气产量方程.通过实例,研究了多孔介质水合物地层中压力和温度的分布规律,即离井筒越近,压力和温度越小.进行了影响水合物分解前缘边界曲面离井筒距离各影响因素的敏感性分析,得到了减小井筒压力和增大地层温度可以使离井筒越远地方的水合物层分解释放出天然气,天然气的产量随着开采时间的增大而逐渐减小但最终趋于一稳定值的结论。
其他语种文摘 Now, the main methods to recover natural gas from gas hydrate are; increasing formation temperature, injecting inhibitors and depressurization. With proper simpli-fication, the article theoretically derives the numeral model to recover gas by tin.' depressurization method.and the represent of the distance uf the hydrate decomposition from from the bore hole. Also, with linearization approximation simplitica tion and self similar principle solution, the equation ol tem-perature and pressure distribution in the hydrate reservoir, and the initiation of gas production are derived. With real ca-ses, the distribution law of pressure and temperature in hy-drate reservoirs has been studied. It is found that the closer the distance from the bore-hole is. the lower the pressure and temperature is. At the same time, the sensibility analysis of various factors which influence the hydrate decomposition front from the bore-hole has been done. It is found that de-creasing the hole pressure and increasing the formation tern perature can make the hydrate that is far away from the hole releasing natural gas. The natural gas production will de-crease as the time increases, but at last the production will become stable.
来源 天然气工业 ,2004,24(1):63-67 【扩展库】
关键词 天然气 ; 水合物 ; 开采 ; 热力学 ; 理论模型

1. 中国科学院力学所  

2. 中国海洋石油研究中心  

3. 四川石油管理局南充炼油厂

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0976
学科 石油、天然气工业
基金 国家863计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:1729124

参考文献 共 0

引证文献 6

1 唐良广 热力法开采天然气水合物的数学模拟 天然气工业,2006,26(10):105-107
CSCD被引 9

2 张郁 天然气水合物分解和开采的机理及数学模型研究综述 现代地质,2010,24(5):979-985
CSCD被引 2


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