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Community characteristics of the grassland in the Bird Island of the Qinghai Lake


文摘 青海湖鸟岛地区草地群落共出现种子植物63种,隶属43属,19科,以北温带成分为主;从湖滨到典型地带性植被,物种多样性指数变化可以分为两大类型;随着高度增加,物种多样性呈现倒U型变化,沿着水平梯度物种多样性基本上逐渐增加.可以分为禾草、豆科固氮植物、非禾本科草类和半灌木功能组,物种水平与功能组水平的多样性、均匀度和丰富度相关系数分别为0.279,0.436,0.019,均没有达到显著相关,功能组水平的多样性指数具有与物种水平不同的性质.
其他语种文摘 The zone of the communities of the grassland in the Bird island of the Qinghai Lake were selected. Total 180 plots were investigated by sampling method. Based on the plot data, the community charac-teristics were analyzed with species composition, flora feature, and so on. The species composition of the community was simple. There were 63 species, grouped into 43 genus and 19 families. The genus of The North Temperate was absolutely dominate. The species diversity index was different horizon-taly and vertically. Plant species diversity was the lowest in the middle of height. Species diversity of plant community increased from shore to high land. In the grassland of the Bird island, there were four functional groups: grasses, legumes, nonlegumious forbs and shrubs. The correlation of the diver-sity, the evenness and the richness between the species level and the function level was 0. 279, 0. 436, and 0.019.There was an apparent difference between the functional group community diversity and the species community diversity.
来源 生态学杂志 ,2004,23(3):16-19 【核心库】
关键词 青海湖鸟岛 ; 物种多样性 ; 功能组

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4890
学科 植物学
基金 国家中西部专项基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1691376

参考文献 共 23 共2页

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