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Feature Analysis of Helical Ribbons in Self-assembled Microtubules from Biolipid


付玉彬 1   张立德 1   郑纪勇 2  
文摘 利用联乙炔基甘油磷脂酰胆碱分子的自组装特性,制备得到脂类微管结构,并在大量观察基础上,对脂类微管的螺旋带特征进行分析归纳.观察表明脂类微管是由螺旋带紧密缠绕形成的稳定结构,具有明显的螺旋缠绕特征;同时体系中存在少量不同形态的松驰螺旋带.体系中存在有单层脂膜包埋的螺旋带,这是一种新的结构形态.螺旋带边缘有明显的错位和分层现象,端部具有不同于其它区域的松驰现象.脂类微管的这些特征对其表面纳米颗粒的沉积产生很大的影响,金属钯和镍纳米颗粒在螺旋带边缘的分层沉积可清楚地显示脂类微管螺旋带的错位和分层特征.金属钯的分层沉积特征可尝试用于标志自组装膜的脂类双层数;同时,自组装脂类螺旋带的研究可用于揭示脂类分子自组装的本质, 并在生物矿化和生物膜力学研究方面有重要意义.
其他语种文摘 Lipid microtubules are fabricated by molecular self-assembly method from biologically-derived lipid, and the helical characteristics of lipid microtubules are primarily summarized on the basis of many investigations. It was indicated that lipid microtubules are the stable microstructures formed by tightly twisted ribbons, and there are a few loose helical ribbons. Meanwhile, there exist a few helical ribbons entrapped in the single wall lipid membrane, which means a new kind of lipid self-assembly morphology. The clearly helical pattern on tubules, the multi-bilayer microstructures caused by helical dislocation at the edge of ribbon, and the helical relaxation of ribbon at the top end of tubules, are the main characteristics of the lipid microtubules. They will have substantial effects on the following deposition of nanoparticles on microtubules and helical ribbons. The multi-layer depositions of Pd and Ni nanoparticles at the edge of ribbon clearly exhibit the dislocation of lipid bilayers, as well as the multi-layer microstructures of lipid membrane. Furthermore, the multi-layer deposition features of fine Pd nanoparticles at the edge of helical ribbon may be developed to label the number of lipid bilayers in self-assembled membrane. Meanwhile, the furuier research on the self-assembly of helical ribbon will be beneficial to revealing the nature of lipid self-assembly, and it will play an important role in research on biomineralization and mechanic property of biological membrane.
来源 化学学报 ,2004,62(9):911-915 【核心库】
关键词 分子自组装 ; 脂类微管 ; 螺旋带

1. 中国科学院固体物理研究所, 合肥, 230031  

2. 洛阳船舶材料研究所, 洛阳, 471039

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0567-7351
学科 化学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1686437

参考文献 共 27 共2页

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