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Effects of Humidity Fluctuation on the Structure Parameter of the Refractive Index for Visible Radiation


文摘 大气折射率起伏主要是由温度和湿度起伏引起的.提出一种研究湿度起伏对折射率结构常数影响的新方法,即从超声风速计测量的虚温信号中提取出湿度起伏的信息,可计算出湿度起伏、温湿相关项的结构常数.采用自行研制的温度脉动仪和超声风速计分别在湿度差异较大的干燥的戈壁滩和潮湿的海边进行实验,并用实验时的气象参量对湿度起伏进行了模式计算.测量和模式计算都表明:湿度起伏本身对C2n的贡献很小,可忽略不计,湿度起伏对C2n的影响主要是通过与温度起伏相结合来实现的,在一般情况下,这种贡献不到10%.但在湿度较大,特别是日落前C2n处于最小值附近,温湿相关项的贡献可超过10%.
其他语种文摘 The refractive index fluctuation of atmosphere are mainly caused by variations in temperature and humidity. A new method of studying effects of humidity fluctuation on the structure parameter of the refractive index is proposed. Humidity fluctuations is obtained from fluctuations of 'sonic temperature', very closely equivalent to virtual temperature ,using a three-component sonic anemometer. The structure parameters C\, CTQ, can be calculated. C'{ and temperature fluctuation) humidity fluctuation are measured by a sonic anemometer and microthermal probe both in dry desert and in damp sea shore. Meanwhile, the humidity fluctuation can be estimated by a mode using field experiment meteorologic condition as input parementers. Both measurement and mode show that humidity directly influencing C\ can be ignored. Humidity effects is mainly achiered associating with temperatime fluctuation. Generally, the contribution to C\ is less than 10% except near a marine surface or saturated soil especially during occurrence minimal C\ before sunset.
来源 光学学报 ,2004,24(12):1599-1602 【核心库】
关键词 大气光学 ; 折射率结构常数 ; 湿度起伏影响 ; 超声风速计虚温 ; 模式计算

中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所, 合肥, 230031

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0253-2239
学科 大气科学(气象学)
文献收藏号 CSCD:1677789

参考文献 共 7 共1页

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