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Comparing the content of N and P contained in aboveground parts of plants among the stages of regressive succession in alpine meadow


李海英 1   彭红春 1   王启基 2  
文摘 本研究旨在比较高寒草甸草地不同退化演替阶段下植物地上部氮磷元素含量、吸收速率以及单位面积累计重量.结果表明:植物生长季内(5~9月),3个样地植物地上部N、P含量都是在生长初期最高,随植物生长季节的推移以及地上生物量的增加,其含量逐渐稀释直到生长季节结束,全氮含量范围为36.90~14.90 g/kg,全磷的含量范围是2.22~1.06 g/kg.不同退化演替阶段由于植物组成的不同,其N、P含量有明显的差异,P的含量中度退化样地最高(1.91%),重度退化样地最低(1.51%);N的含量则恰恰相反,重度退化样地最高(26.40%),中度退化样地最低(18.60%);原生植被样地介于两者之间,其生长季P的平均含量为1.63%,N的平均含量为20.80%.植物N、P的吸收速率和单位面积累计重量都是随退化程度的加剧而降低,即原生植被样地>中度退化样地>重度退化样地,并且植物营养元素吸收速率与地上生物量生长速率呈正相关关系.
其他语种文摘 This article is about that comparing the content, uptake rates and storages per unit of N and P contained in the aboveground parts of plant among the stages of regressive succession in alpine meadow. The results suggested that the content of N and P of the aboveground parts of plants in the growth season is highest and decreases with the process of the plant growth,the content of N ranges from 36. 90 g/kg to 14. 90 g/kg,the content of P ranges from 2. 22 g/kg to 1. 06 g/kg. The content of N and P of them are dif-ferent obviously because the components of the plant communities are different at the stages of regressive succession,the content of P is highest (1. 91%) in the middle-degraded plot and is lowest in the heavily-de-graded plot (1. 51%) ;the content of N is highest (26. 40%) in the heavily-degraded plot and is lowest in the middle-degraded plot (18. 60%);the content of N^P of the primary vegetation plot is in the midst of the plots,the average content of N,P of this plot are 20. 80% and 1. 63% respectively. The uptake rate and stroages of N and P per unit decrease with the soil degraded, that is to say theprimary vegetation polt > the middle-degraded plot > the heavily-degraded plot, and there is direct correlation between uptake rate of the N P and grow rate of biomass.
来源 西北植物学报 ,2004,24(11):2069-2074 【核心库】
关键词 高寒草甸 ; 退化演替 ; 植物群落 ; 氮磷含量 ; 吸收速率 ; 植物地上部贮藏量

1. 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所, 兰州, 730000  

2. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4025
学科 植物学
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目 ;  国家自然科学基金项目 ;  中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1656870

参考文献 共 7 共1页

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