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周承恩 1   谢季佳 1   洪友士 2  
文摘 超高周疲劳是指疲劳周次达到108及其以上时材料的疲劳行为.与一般认识的疲劳行为不同之处是,超高周疲劳发生在传统疲劳极限以下,因此研究超高周疲劳行为有助于进一步理解疲劳的本质和疲劳机理.文中综述近几年超高周疲劳研究的进展,包括超高周疲劳的典型特征,如S-N曲线的特点、断口特征、断面上的鱼眼形貌以及裂纹的起源与扩展特征等;分析疲劳机理和相关的模型以及简要探讨影响超高周疲劳的一些因素,如加载频率、加载方式、氢的作用等.在此基础上提出值得进一步研究的几个问题.
其他语种文摘 High cycle fatigue is the most common reasons for failure of components and structures. Most of the fatigue tests were accomplished below ten to hundreds millions of cycles in literature. However, railway wheels and rails, offshore structures, bridges, etc., have to endure fatigue loads up to ten billion cycles without failure. Very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) is the study of fatigue failure behaviors of materials and structures at and beyond hundreds millions of cycles. Even in some ferrous materials, which were assumed to have a fatigue limit, very high cycle fatigue failures are detected. Till now, there are few of fatigue tests, failure analysis and mechanisms of VHCF fatigue, compared with the abundant result on low cycle fatigue(LCF) and high cycle fatigue(HCF) regime. This paper summarizes works of VHCF fatigue in recent years, such as the observations on fish-eye, which is one of the typical characteristics of VHCF fatigue, crack initiation, crack propagation and discussions about the shape of S-N curve, etc. The present work also analyzes the fatigue mechanisms and concludes some theoretical models of VHCF fatigue. Some possible and prospective aspects of future researches are also proposed.
来源 机械强度 ,2004,26(5):526-533 【扩展库】
关键词 超高周疲劳 ; 疲劳机理 ; 疲劳极限 ; 内部裂纹起源

1. 中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100080  

2. 中科院力学所, 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-9669
学科 力学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1651204

参考文献 共 51 共3页

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引证文献 12

1 曾伟 基于红外热象技术的金属材料疲劳性能研究方法 机械强度,2008,30(4):658-663
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2 邵红红 40CrNiMoA钢不同微观组织超声疲劳寿命研究 材料工程,2008(5):24-28
CSCD被引 3


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谢季佳 0000-0002-8025-7943
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