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Expression of c-fos in Amygdala and Conditioned Immunosuppression


文摘 By using c-fos protein production as a marker of neuronal activation, the present work attempts to localize the various subdivisions within the amygdala that may participate in the neural mechanism of conditioned immunosuppression (CIS) in a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) paradigm. CTA and CIS were established by intake of saccharin as the conditioned stimulus (CS) with an injection of cyclophosphamide as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS).After animals were re-exposed to CS alone at intervals of 5 or 30 days after two trials of CS-UCS pairing, both CTA and CIS were assessed and the expression of c-fos protein in the amygdala nucleus was also observed correspondingly. The results showed that CTA occurred on both day 5 and day 30 after conditioning but CIS occurred only on day 5 after conditioning. Furthermore, it was found dense c-fos expression in the amygdaloid central (CeA) in the CS group was observed at the 5 days interval and moderate c-fos immunoreactive inductions at the 30 days interval after re-exposure to CS. In the UCS group, low level of c-fos immunoreactive productions in the CeA were detected at either interval testing. By comparing the results of the 5th day with the 30th day, it suggests that the CeA is an important nucleus related to the modulation of CIS.
其他语种文摘 以糖精水为条件刺激(conditioned stimulus,CS),免疫抑制剂-环磷酰胺为非条件刺激((unconditionedstimulus,UCS),在两次CS-UCS结合训练后,观测不同时程再次单独呈现条件刺激对条件反射性免疫抑制和味觉厌恶性行为反应的变化以及大鼠杏仁核各亚核团内c-fos蛋白表达的影响.结果表明,条件反射性免疫抑制作用在训练后第5天较强,第30天基本消失,而味觉厌恶性条件反射始终稳定保持到第30天.条件反射组大鼠杏仁中央核c-fos蛋白表达在第5天非常密集,而第30天明显减少,与细胞免疫功能改变在时程和趋势上具有一致性.通过c-fos蛋白表达时程差异比较,提示杏仁中央核可能既与条件性的味觉厌恶性行为建立有关,也是参与介导CS诱导的免疫抑制效应的重要核团.
来源 心理学报 ,2004,36(4):500-505 【核心库】
关键词 Conditioned immunosuppression ; Amygdala ; c-fos ; Rats

1. Brain-behavior Reseach Center, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science, 北京, 100101  

2. 中科院心理所, Key Laborator of Mental Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 北京, 100101

语种 英文
ISSN 0439-755X
学科 社会科学总论
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1598008

参考文献 共 22 共2页

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