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Progresses on Modes of Occurences of Platinum-Group Elements in Mantle Derived Rocks


文摘 本文综述了几种幔源岩石PGE赋存状态和分布规律方面的研究进展.众多的分配系数实验和分离的硫化物测试均表明PGE易进入硫化物而主要受硫化物控制,氧化物和硅酸盐对幔源岩石中PGE也具有一定的控制作用.不同成因的幔源岩石具有不同的PGE矿物共生组合,硫化物和合金是幔源岩石中两类最主要的铂族元素矿物(PGM).虽然PGE特别是Pt、Pd和贱金属硫化物(BMS)紧密相关,但仍没有查明PGE是以独立矿物形式存在于其中还是以类质同象形式进入铁-镍-铜硫化物的晶格.对IPGE和铬铁矿及橄榄石的关系仍有两种不同的解释,两种解释均没有充分的证据否定对方.成岩的物理化学条件如氧逸度、硫逸度对幔源岩石PGE赋存状态有重要影响.铬铁矿中的Os-Ir合金包裹体并不代表早期的结晶相,而是从铬铁矿中退火出熔的结果.
其他语种文摘 In this paper, we have summed up the advances on occurrences and distributions of platinum-group elements in mantle-derived rocks, and have given a commentary on them. Numerous experiments on partitioning coefficient and tests on separated sulfides show that platinum-group elements are prone to concentrate on sulfides and dominated by them, some oxides and silicates also can control distribution of platinum-group elements. Paragenesis of platinum-group minerals differ PGE minerals in these rocks and sulfide and alloy are the dominant. Whether plat inum-group elements occur as discrete minerals or enter into the lattices of Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides in the form of isomor- phism haven't been resolved in base metal sulfide. There are two different explanations about the relationship between IPGE and chromite or olivine and neither has enough evidences to prove that the other is wrong, although IPGE especially Pt, Pd are close associated with chromite. Such physical-chemical conditions as oxygen fugacity and sulfur fugacity play a important role in the occurrences of platinum-group elements in mantle derived rocks. The Os-Ir alloy inclusion in chromite is the product of exsolution from the chromite when temperature is on the subsolidus rather than crystalize with chromite from the early magma.
来源 矿物岩石地球化学通报 ,2004,23(1):68-73 【扩展库】
关键词 铂族元素 ; 赋存状态 ; 幔源岩石 ; 进展

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学开放研究实验室, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 综述型
ISSN 1007-2802
学科 地质学
基金 国家973计划 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1512276

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