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Calculating Water Resource Exchange Time of the Yellow River Basin Based on Reservoir Operation


文摘 针对黄河流域存在的水危机,探讨水体交换周期的内涵和意义,分析水体蓄变情况下水体交换周期的变化特征,在此基础上建立基于水量调度和河段配水的黄河干流水体交换周期的量化模型,并计算了不同时间尺度下黄河水体交换周期.研究结果表明,水体交换周期可以从不同时间尺度上把握水资源的可更新能力,精确地确定区域水资源总量,指导水库的调蓄计划,为建立可持续利用的水资源供水系统及其管理提供科学依据.
其他语种文摘 Aiming at water resource crisis of the Yellow River, this paper discusses the connotation of water exchange time, analyzes the change characteristics of water exchange time based on reservoir action, and then establishes numerical models of the water resident time in the mainstream of the Yellow River. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) The result indicates that the amount of renewable water per month can meet the demand of all kinds of water utilizations and Lijin profile flows naturally when the original amount of water storage in the Longyangxia reservoir is 9.343 billion m~3 and water exchange time is \A6dnl when the original amount of water storage in the Longyang Gorge Reservoir is 5.343 billion m3 and water exchange time is 1.11 d_0, no-flow will appear in April and May. (2) Water supply and demand are disproportional in time and space. By dispatching reservoir, the water exchange time of the Yellow River at month scale will be lengthened or shortened, which corresponds the disproportion in time and space of water supply and demand, the amount of runoff in no-flood period with reservoirs action is more 8.3 billion m3 than that without reservoirs action, which promotes the efficiency of reasonable utilization of water resources. (3) When the stage of original storage of the Longyangxia increases from 5.343 billion m3 to 18.043 billion m~3 the multi-year scale water exchange time in the Yellow River is close to d_0 So, reservoir action has no effect on multi-year scale water exchange time. (4) Water exchange time depends on hydrologic cycle and water balance, which controls the renewable capacity of water resources in various time scales, and determines the total amount ot regional water resources accurately. All these offer scientific basis for establishing water supply system for sustainable utilization of water resources.
来源 地理学报 ,2004,59(1):111-117 【核心库】
关键词 黄河 ; 水体交换周期 ; 水量调度 ; 水体蓄变

北京师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 北京, 100875

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0375-5444
学科 自然地理学
基金 国家973计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:1503465

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