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Organic and inorganic carbon- isotope shift and paleoenvironment at the P- T boundary section in Meishan,Zhejiang Province


南君亚 1   刘育燕 2  
文摘 浙江长兴煤山 D剖面 196个碳酸盐岩样品无机和有机碳同位素δ13Ccarb和δ13Corg变化趋势表明,煤山地区晚二叠世末为比较封闭的局限海沉积环境,早三叠世初期经局限和开阔海环境交替出现渐变为海水循环良好的广海沉积环境.长兴期的海进作用使海洋初始生产率升高,可能是引起长兴组葆青段碳同位素变重的主要原因;海洋 CO2浓度增高可能是长兴组煤山段δ13Corg出现负漂移的原因.二叠纪末期全球性海平面下降以及火山作用可能是使生态系统崩溃、引起二叠-三叠系 (P- T)界线附近生物绝灭的外部原因,也是使海洋中 12C输入量增加导致过渡层碳同位素变轻的主要原因.二叠纪晚期生物绝灭经历了由渐变到突变的过程.δ13Corg在生物绝灭后才出现大幅度负漂移,可能是由于营光合作用的浮游植物不一定因海洋缺氧以及其他生物的绝灭而停止生长,当海水酸度超过浮游生物忍耐限度时,才导致浮游生物大量死亡.殷坑组δ13Corg和δ13Ccarb呈上升趋势,说明经历过 P- T生物大绝灭后,早三叠世海洋生产率逐渐升高,生物开始复苏.
其他语种文摘 The variations of δ~(13)C_(carb) and δ~(13)C_(org) of 196 carbonate samples from Meishan section D, Zhejiang Province, show that the depositional environments might change from restricted sea during Late Permian and P-T transitional period, through an alternate restricted and open sea, to the open sea in Early Triassic. The carbon isotopic fractionation in Baoqing Member of Changxing Formation is probably caused by the increase of primary productivity owing to the transgression. However, the higher concentration of dissolved CO2 in surface-water might cause in the negative excursion of 5l3CorB in Meishan Member of Changxing Formation. The mass extinctions at the P-T boundary were resulted from the global sea level drop and volcanic activity in Late Permian, of which the changes might be from gradual to sudden. The maximum negative excursion of 5nC,,rg occurred after the mass extinction indicates that the photosynlhesis planktons continued to grow up not due to the anoxia of ocean and/or the death of other organisms. The planktons would die only at that time when they were driven beyond the forbearance to the acidity of seawater. The rising of <5l3C,,rP and <513C?ri> in Yinkeng Formation implies that the primary productivity in surface water increased and the organisms started to be recovery after the P-T mass extinction.
来源 地球化学 ,2004,33(1):9-19 【核心库】
关键词 P- T界线剖面 ; 碳同位素 ; 碳循环 ; 古环境 ; ;生物绝灭 ; 煤山 ; 浙江省

1. 中国科学院,地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002  

2. 中国地质大学(武汉),地球科学学院, 湖北, 武汉, 430074

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1499456

参考文献 共 46 共3页

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