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Preference of pubescent females for dominant vs subordinate males in root voles


赵亚军 1   孙儒泳 2   房继明 2   李保明 1   赵新全 3  
文摘 在实验室条件下,研究了性刚成熟的雌性根田鼠对一对互为同胎同胞的以体重划分为优势和从势的雄性个体的择偶行为,目的在于检验雄性社会等级是否影响其配偶选择。结果发现: (1)根田鼠存在显著的偏雄性二型,而雄性动物优势度与体重大小成正比; (2)在Y字型迷宫中,初次发情雌鼠对优势雄鼠的访问时间、社会探究频次和友好频次等显著大于从属雄鼠;(3)在随后24 h的一雌二雄共居中,优势雄优先交配;从属雄的干扰不能中断优势雄鼠的交配。这些结果说明,体重差异可以作为划分雄性优势的指标,社会等级可以作为择偶行为的一个依据。优势雄鼠与处于从属地位的同胞相比,能获得优先交配机会。同胎同胞虽具有遗传相似性,但雄性竞争的结果表现在体重和社会等级上具有显著差异,表明配偶选择在发挥着作用。根田鼠是一雄多雌制,而且具有较大的偏雄性二型,提示社会等级、雌性选择和婚配制度有密切关联[动物学报49(3):303~309,2003]。
其他语种文摘 A series of animal behavioral experiments were designed to investigate morphological and behavioral factors affecting mate choice in the polygynous root vole (Microtus oeconomus ). Two laboratory experiments on the effect of male dominance on the mate choice of pubescent female root voles were conducted. In an experiment of dyadic interaction of male full siblings, the heavier sibling was significantly more dominant than the other, so the heavier sibling was regarded as the dominant. In a Y-shape maze experiment, female root voles undergoing their first estrus spent more time visiting, socializing, and being amicable to dominant males than subordinate ones. After the test, the three voles were housed together in a cage for 24 hours, the dominant exhibited less latency of intromission than that of the subordinate, and the dominant male's copulation with the female was not disrupted by the subordinate male. Combined with the female preference for familiar males established in previous experiments (Zhao et al. , 1999, 2002) the female preference for dominant males suggests that male social rank could be regarded as such a good indicator of mate choice in virgin female root voles. We hypothesise that interspecific variation in male dominance is consistent with the observed variation in body mass dimorphism among monogamous, polygynous, and promiscuous vole species. Therefpre, female mate choice for larger males can determine how polygamous vole species differ from monogamous and promiscuous ones [ Acta Zoologica Sinica 49 (3):303-309,2003]
来源 动物学报 ,2003,49(3):303-309 【核心库】
关键词 根田鼠 ; 青春期雌鼠 ; 配偶选择 ; 同胞竞争 ; 优势 ; 一雄多雌制

1. 中国农业大学, 设施农业生物环境工程农业部重实验室, 北京, 100083  

2. 北京师范大学生态学研究所, 北京, 100875  

3. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0001-7302
学科 动物学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统实验站基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1341969

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