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Geochemical characteristics of sulfur and nitrogen isotopic compositions in rains of Guiyang in summer


文摘 对贵阳地区小雨和氮同位素组成特征进行了研究。小雨中硫酸盐δ~(34)S值和硝酸盐δ~(15)N值分别为-7.96‰-+0.73‰(平均-.90‰)和-3.77‰-+8.49‰(平均+2.00‰),暴雨中则分别为-2.07‰-+18.32‰(平均+4.59‰)和-2.91‰-+10.10‰(平均+4.10‰),表明两种类型雨水中硫酸盐和硝酸盐来源不同。不雨硫酸盐的负δ~(34)S值与当地硫来源(煤炭燃烧和生物成因硫)有关,而暴雨硫酸盐的正δ~(34)S值则为海源(太平洋)结果。小雨硝酸盐的δ~(15)N值范围较宽(-3.77‰-+8.49‰),其来源不清,但该范围内较高δ~(15)N值的样品(>+6.0δ)可能与干沉降和火力发电厂废气有关。暴雨硝酸盐的δ~(15)值仍然反映海源(太平洋)。小雨铵盐的δ~(15)N值与铵盐含量有较好的相关关系(R~2=0.92)。小雨铵盐中低δ~(15)N值的样品(-1.73‰--22.01‰)与云水(-28.6‰)对~(15)N较少的吸收有关。贵阳地区较高的铵盐含量(平均1.25mg/L)和较低的δ~(15)N值(平均-12.18‰±6.68‰)表明,铵盐来源于农业肥料大范围施用和土壤NH)_2的挥发。
其他语种文摘 A significant difference in mean sulfur and nitrogen isotopic composition is seen between samples collected from flurries ( - 4. 90‰ for sulfate and + 2. 00‰ for nitrate) and storms ( + 4. 59‰ for sulfate and + 4. 10‰e for nitrate), showing that sulfur and nitrogen in the two types of rains are of difference sources. For sulfate, the negative ?~(34)S values in flurries are associated with local sources (coal combustion and biogenic sulfur); while sulfur in storms, caused by typhoon from the Pacific, with positive ?~(34)S values are of maritime origin. For nitrate, the sources in flurries are not much clear because of a wide range of ?~(15)N values ( - 3. 77‰ ~ + 8. 49‰), but the higher ?~(15)N values (> +6. 0‰) in the range are probably related to dry deposition or thermoelectric power stations; the mean ?~(15)N value of +4. l‰ in storms may also be a reflection of maritime origin. Measurements of ?~(15)N values for ammonium in flurries show that ?~(15)N values are well related with ammonium concentrations ( R~2 = 0. 92) . The lower values in the range of ?~(15)N values ( - 1. 73‰ ~ - 22. 01‰) for ammonium are due to the less incorporation of ~15N by cloud water, which probably has a ?~(15)N value of about - 28. 6 ‰. But the higher concentrations and the lower ?~(15)N values (averaged - 12. 18‰ ±6. 68‰) indicate that sources of ammonium are widespread agricultural use of excretory wastes and the release of NH_3 from soils.
来源 地球化学 ,2003,32(3):248-254 【核心库】
关键词 δ~(34)S ; δ~(15)N ; 雨水 ; 夏季 ; 贵州省

中国科学院地球化学研究所, 环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州, 贵阳, 550002

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0379-1726
学科 地质学
基金 国家自然科学基金 ;  中国科学院知识创新工程项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1304510

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