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HPLC determination of anthraquinones from various parts of R. Tanguticum, R. undulatum and R. spiciforme


文摘 采用C18反相柱高效液相色谱方法分离、外标法定量对大黄属掌叶组唐古特大黄、波叶组波叶大黄、穗序组穗序大黄的根(及根茎)、叶片、叶柄、主茎四部分的芦荟大黄素、大黄酸、大黄素、大黄酚4种游离和结合蒽醌的含量进行了测定和比较。结果表明:唐古特大黄中,叶片中的游离蒽醌含量高于其它部分,游离蒽醌总量地上部分远高于地下部分;结合蒽醌则根中最高,蒽醌总量地下部分远高于地上部分。波叶大黄和穗序大黄中,游离和结合蒽醌均为根中最高,穗序大黄蒽醌总量地下部分远高于地上部分,而波叶大黄中,游离蒽醌总量地上部分高于地下部分,结合蒽醌总量地上部分与地下部分相差不大,地上部分略高于地下部分。
其他语种文摘 The contents of aloe-emodin,rhein,emodin and chrysophanol in various parts,e. g. root,stem,leaf blade and petiole,of Rheum Tanguticum,R. undulatum and R. spiciforme were investigated with HPLC and were quantified with external standard method. The results showed that in R. tanguticum the content of free anthraquinones in aerial part was higher than that in root,and it was highest in leaf;while the content of total anthraquinones in root was far more higher than that in aerial part,and the content of combinated anthraquinones was highest in root. The contents of free and combinated anthraquinones in roots of R. spi-ciforme and R. undulatum were higher than those in other parts of the plants. In R. spiciforme the content of total anthraquinones in root was higher than that in aerial part. In R. undulatum the content of free anthraquinones in aerial part was higher than that in root,and the content of combinated anthraquinones in root was slightly higher than that in aerial part.
来源 西北植物学报 ,2003,23(2):328-331 【核心库】
关键词 唐古特大黄 ; 波叶大黄 ; 穗序大黄 ; 不同部分 ; 蒽醌类

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4025
学科 植物学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1280744

参考文献 共 8 共1页

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