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A study on the flora of Hangshui river valley in Qinghai, China


文摘 湟水流域位于青海省的东部,约处于北纬35°56′-37°38′,东径100°35′-103°05′。属于青藏高原和黄土高原的过滤地带,海拔1650-4394m,全区面积约16600km^2,属于大陆性气候和高原大陆性气候类型。本区共有野生种子植物83科、400属、1234种。分别占本区所属的青藏高原植物亚区唐古特地区总科数的92.22%、总属数的78.74%、总种数的54.00%。研究表明,湟水流域植物区系特征为:(1)在唐古特地区中种类相对较丰富;(2)温带成分占2.80%,以绝对优势确定了本区系为明显的温带性质(属于以北温带成分,特别是欧亚大陆温、寒地带典型成分为优势的,兼具温性,寒温和高寒类型的温带区系性南,或可称为在温带区第中的过渡区系所具有的“复合型”区系特征);(3)木本类型少,大多数种类为多年生草本植物,缺乏古老和原始类群,一些中国特有种衍生于其广布的亲缘种中,表明本区系具有年轻和衍生的性质;(4)我国西南高山区系和华北区系对该区系具有双重影响;(5)为青藏高原植物亚区唐古特植物地区同华北植物地区相互过渡的代表区系之一;(6)特有属和特有种少。在中国种子植物区系分区中,本区属于青藏高原植物亚区中的唐古特地区。
其他语种文摘 The Huangshui River valley is situated in eastern Qinghai, China , and between latitude 35°56'~ 37°38'N and longitude 100°35'~103°05'E. The area belongs to the transition zone between Qinghai-Ti-betan Plateau and Loess Plateau with altitudes ranging from 1 650 m to 4 395 m. The total area is 16 600 Km~2. The features of climate are the types with the continent and alpine continent. There are 1 234 species of wild seed plants that belong to 83 families and 400 genera in this region,and respectively have 92. 22% of total families,and of 78. 74% of total genera and of 54. 00% of total species of the Tangute Region from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Subdivision. The floristic characteristics in the area are as follows:① Species are relatively richer in the Tangute Region. ② The North Temperate Zone is superior to numbers of species in this area. The Temperate elements have a percentage of 92. 80%. It shows the clear nature of the temperate zone that is the decisive factor of the floristic characteristics. However,it belongs to the nature of the temperate zone that mainly with the North Temperate elements, especially with the typical elements from the warm and cold zone of Europe and Asia continents, and that the type is with warm, cold warm and alpine. Or it can be called the "compound" floristic characteristics that are from the transition flora in the temperate flora. ③ Most of the plants are perennial herbs and poorest of trees. This flora is short of the ancient type and primitive species,and some endemic elements of China are developed from them relational genera that are wildly distributed indicating the flora is a young and derivative flora. ④The flora was affected by both of the alpine flora from southwest China and the flora of northwest China. As the area of the border of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the transition flora that far from the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, not only the floristic characteristics of plateau and alpine were crippled, but also the elements of plateau and alpine were increased. But it did not change the floristic nature of plateau and alpine. ⑤It is one of representative flora of the transition zone between the Tangute Region and the region of northwest China,⑥It has only a few of endemic genera and species. By the analysis of this study,it is indisputable that the flora of Huangshui River valley belongs to the Tangute Region from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau subdivision.
来源 西北植物学报 ,2003,23(2):205-217 【核心库】
关键词 湟水流域 ; 植物区系 ; 区系特征 ; 区系分区

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4025
学科 植物学
基金 中国科学院生物分类区系学科发展特别支持费项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1280723

参考文献 共 9 共1页

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