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Characteristics of hydrothermal sedmentary facies in relation with mineralizer in bafangshan polymetallic deposit


方维萱 1   刘方杰 2   胡瑞忠 3   陈梦熊 4  
文摘 陕西八方山大型(金)多金属矿床赋存在于中泥盆统吉维特晚期的热水沉积岩相中。富SiO2酸酐型热水同生—交代沉积作用形成热水同生沉积微相(层状硅质岩)、热水同生交代微相(微晶石英岩及硅化灰岩);富Fe^2+ - Mg^2+碳酸盐型热水同生沉积作用形成层状含铜硅质铁白云岩;在同生断裂附近,因热水液压致裂-隐爆作用形达含铜黄铁矿硅质铁白云石角砾岩;富Na^+铝硅酸盐型/富Fe^2+、Mg^2+碳酸盐型热流体在同生断裂中形成热水充填微相(穿层脉状钠长石碳酸岩);低温热卤水(富F、Ba、B、As、Sb)形成热卤水同生沉积微相。矿质大规模沉淀的地球化学动力学因素为:在热水沉积成矿盆地中,在单一成分热水体系的温度、压力改变而发生快速化学沉淀;不同成分、性态的热水混合后,强烈的酸—碱作用及Eh-pH剧变等,触发热水体系失稳,引起矿质大规模沉积。[SiO2]和F可能是重要的矿化剂。
其他语种文摘 The Bafangshan polymetallic deposit occurs in the Middle Devionian Fengtai apart-pull basin. Based on its sedimentology, mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the deposit ,the geological -geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal facies are described.Six patterns of these hydrothermal lithofacies were defined.i.e., hydrothermal synsedimentation microfacies, hydrothermal syn-sedimentation-replacement microfacies, mixing hydrothermal syn-sedimentation microfacies, hydrothermal explosion and fluid pressure-fracturing microfacies, hydrothermal filling-replacement microfacies and hot-brine syn-sedimentary microfacies.Silicates with(FeO+Fe_2O_3+MgO) accounting for less than 10% and SiO_2>70% may have resulted form hydrothermal syn-sedimentation. Siliecous ferrodolomities with (FeO+Fe_2O_3+MgO) accounting for more than 20% and SiO_2 30%to 50% were also derived form hydrothermal syn-sedimentation in the subbasin. Ferrodolomitites were produced by Fe-Mg-Ca-rich carbonate-type hot water.Polymetallic ores were accoumulated as a result of mixing of different components. Ore-forming materials were deposited in response to extensive chemical reactions.F and [SiO_2]in hydrothermal fluids could serve as the mineralizers mainly responsible for the transport of metallogenic materials.
来源 矿物学报 ,2003,23(1):75-81 【核心库】
关键词 多金属矿床 ; 热水沉积岩相 ; 热水同生沉积微相 ; 热水同生交代微相 ; 矿化剂

1. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学开放研究实验室, 550002  

2. 西北有色金属地质勘查局, 陕西, 西安, 710068  

3. 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 矿床地球化学开放研究实验室  

4. 有色金属矿产地质调查中心, 北京, 100814

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-4734
学科 地质学
基金 国家重大基础研究规划项目(2001CB409805) ;  国家自然科学基金国家杰出青年科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1279560

参考文献 共 15 共1页

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