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Studies on the Inheritance and Correlation of the Main Special Properties about Giant Spike Wheat Germplasm


谢晓玲 1   邓自发 1   解俊峰 2  
文摘 本文分析了来源相同的14种巨穗小麦种质的主要特异性状间的相关性,回归分析了性状对间的数量关系,并结合基因定位的结果探讨了性状间的相关性与基因连锁程度的关系,结果表明:小穗数与穗数的正相关程度最高(r=0.9625);千粒重与多数性状间呈负相关;株高与多数性状间的正相关程度较高(r>0.8);控制相关性的基因多位于同一染色体或染色体的同一臂上,且正相关程度越高的性状对,其控制基因连锁程度越高;3A染色体上控制千粒重基因的作用效应,以及该基因与3A染色体上控制其它性状的基因间的连锁关系是造成千粒重与其他性状呈负相关的主要遗传因素。
其他语种文摘 This paper is on the correlation analysis of the main special properties and the regression analysis of the character pairs on 14 giant spike wheat germplasm, and according to the results of gene location, the relationship between correlation and the degree of gene linkage was discussed. The results show that the positive correlation between spikelet number and kernal number is strongest in all character pairs (r = 0. 9625). The correlation between 1000-kernal weight and the other character is negative. In all character pairs, the degree of positive correlation between plant height and the most other character is stronger (r>0. 8). Most of the genes controlling correlated character are on the same chromosome or the same arm of the chromosome, and the stronger the degree of positive correlation is, the closer the linkage relationship of controlling gene is. The main genetic factors, which cause the negative correlation between 1000-kernal weight and the other characters, are the function of genes controlling 1000-kernal weight and the linkage relationship between this gene and the genes controlling other properties on 3A chromosome.
来源 种子 ,2003,0(4):12-13,16 【扩展库】
关键词 巨穗小麦 ; 遗传 ; 相关分析 ; 基因连锁

1. 南通师范学院生命科学与技术系, 江苏, 南通, 226007  

2. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 青海, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1001-4705
学科 农学(农艺学)
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1250495

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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