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Manipulating brood size experiments of two species passerine birds-Testing Lack's hypothesis


文摘 于1997—1999年在位于青海省北部的中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站进行。选择地面筑巢的小云雀(Alauda gulgula)和灌丛筑巢的黄嘴朱顶雀(Acanthis flavirostris)为代表进行窝雏数处理实验。根据Lack假说的预报检验(1)常见窝卵数是否是最大生产力窝卵数;(2)窝雏数处理对雏鸟质量和亲鸟投入是否产生影响;(3)两种鸟的响应方式是否相同。其结果如下:①小云雀和黄嘴朱顶雀的常见窝卵数分别是3和5枚。年间变化不明显,用幼鸟出飞率作为生产力,两种鸟的扩增窝幼鸟出飞率下降,常见窝卵数(分布频率最高)等同于最大生产力窝卵数;②小云雀的幼鸟的生长参数不随窝雏数的改变而变化.而黄嘴朱顶雀有明显变化.说明窝雏数处理对后者幼鸟质量有明显影响。③用递食率作为亲鸟投资指标,小云雀亲鸟的递食率随窝雏数的增加而增加,但雏期不变;而黄嘴朱顶雀递食率不变,但雏期延长。④扩增窝雏数后,两种亲鸟表现出不同的响应方式,小云雀表现为提高单位时间递食次数,而黄嘴朱顶雀延长育幼时间。这两种方式不是通过影响雏鸟质量就是通过影响亲鸟存活率来降低子代和亲代的适合度。结果支持了自然选择将窝卵数调节到亲鸟能喂活最大数量子代的限度。即常见窝卵数就是最大生产力窝卵数的Lack假说。
其他语种文摘 The experiments were carried out at Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecological Research Station, the Chinese academy of science, in northern Qinghai province from 1997 to 1999. Through experimentally manipulating brood size, the effects of various broods on nestling development and adult survival of small skylark {Alauda gulgula) and twite (Acanthis flavirostris) were analysis to test Lack's hypotheses. We performed manipulating brood size experiments by adding or removing one, two, or three nestling in selected nests having similar hatching time, while keeping the original number in other nests to serve as control. According the prediction of Lack's hypothesis, we were going to test the following problems. (1) Was the common clutch size the maximal production clutch size actually? (2) Did the manipulating brood size affect on nestling quantity and parents effort? (3) Were the patterns responding to manipulating brood size of birds the same? The results shown: (f) the common clutch sizes of small skylark and twite were 3 and 5. respectively, and those were stable and changed insignificantly among years. The fledging rates decreased to some extent with enlarging the natural brood sizes by increasing 1 or 2 nestlings. If the productivity was assessed through the fledging rate of the young, the most common clutch size would mean the most productivity (the highest fledging rate). ? the growth parameters of small skylark's nestling were varies insignificantly with the change of brood size, but those of twite had the significant change. The result showed that the manipulating brood size had more significant effect on the latter than the former. ? the feeding rate of small skylark parents was increase with the increasing of brood size, but it's nestling period didn't vary. On the contrary, for twite, the feeding rate didn't vary, and the nestling period delayed with the increase of brood size, ?two species parents took on different patterns responding to enlarging brood size. Small skylark took on improve the feeding times per hour. However, twite took on delaying the period of parents care. The two patterns descended offspring or parent fitness through the effect on nestling quantity or parent survival. The above results supported that natural selection adjusted clutch size to the maximal number that the parents fed offspring as possibly as they can, i. e. , the results supported the Lacks hypothesis the common clutch size being actually the most production clutch size.
来源 生态学报 ,2003,23(4):657-664 【核心库】
关键词 雀形目鸟 ; 窝雏数 ; 处理 ; 进化 ; Lack假说

中国科学院西北高原生物研究所, 西宁, 810001

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0933
学科 动物学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1217434

参考文献 共 48 共3页

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