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The measurement of dynamic piezoelectricity response of bone


侯振德 1   钱民全 2  
文摘 测量应力波在骨内传播时骨的压电电位响应是困难的,困难之处在于电位参考点的选定,电位参考点必须是一个电位保持恒定的点,当应力波在骨内部传播时,应力波传及的部位都会产生压电电位变化,不存在电位保持恒定的部位,本文利用屏蔽内电位恒定的特点,将参考点移出骨试件选在屏蔽层上,解决了上述困难。测出了骨的压电电位响应,测试结果表明压电电位决定于应力梯度而不是应力,而且骨受拉伸时其压电电位(绝对值)大于受压缩时的压电电位。
其他语种文摘 It is not easy to measure the piezoelectric potentials in a diaphysis as stress waves propagate in it. The key problem is how to find a reference point of potential with constant or zero value in the bone. With a stress wave propagating in a bone, there is nearly no any point where the potential keeps constant or zero. Based on the fact that a potential in a shielded space keeps constant and a specimen's surface potential also keeps the same value when the specimen is shielded in a metal shell the potential on the inner surface of the shell taken as the reference potential out of the specimen. By this method, the piezoelectric potential responses of a diaphysis was obtained with a stress wave propagating in it, and the reliability of the results have been proved by the test, The measured results show that the magnitude of the piezoelectric potential of bone is proportional to the stress gradient instead of the stress itself, and the elongation piezoelectricity property of bone is greater than the com-pression one.
来源 中国生物医学工程学报 ,2002,21(6):501-505 【核心库】
关键词 压电响应 ; ; 压电电位 ; 应力波 ; 应力梯度 ; 应力传播 ; 电位参考点

1. 天津大学力学系, 天津, 300072  

2. 中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100008

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0258-8021
学科 基础医学
文献收藏号 CSCD:1080536

参考文献 共 6 共1页

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