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The measurement of infrared radiation for ballistic range


文摘 为深入认识再入物理现象,在弹道靶上做了模型头部和近尾流红外辐射测量。发射器为14.5mm口径的二级轻气炮,模型为φ10mm的球,材料为聚碳酸酯和铝,模型发射速度4~6km/s,使用红外InSb探测器测量波长3~5.4μm的红外辐射,靶室压力5.32kPa。实验中使用光电法测量模型速度,两站阴影照相进行模型姿态监测和速度核实。实验结果表明:球模型的红外辐射强度强烈依赖于模型材料和模型飞行速度。对不同材料模型头部和尾流部辐射强度的定性比较说明由于低温材料烧蚀产物的存在,极大地增强了头部和近尾流区的辐射强度,而且延长了尾流辐射长度。
其他语种文摘 The infrared radiation measurement of head and near wake of models were carried out in ballistic range for studying of reentry physical phenomenon. The launcher was a two-stage light gas gun with the bore of 14.5mm. The sphere models with diameter of 10mm were made from polycarbonate and Aluminum separately. The flight velocities of the models were about 4~6km/s, InSb detectors were used for measurement of IR radiation with sensitive wavelength were 3~5.4μm. the pressure in the range is 5.32kPa. During the experiment, the model velocity was measured through photo-electronic devices and two stations of shadow graph monitor the model attitude and provide velocity check. The experiment results show that IR radiation of sphere models strongly depends on model's material as well as flight velocity. IR radiation of polycarbonate models greatly increased as the ablative products entering the wake.
来源 流体力学实验与测量 ,2002,16(1):74-79 【核心库】
关键词 红外测量 ; 弹道靶 ; 尾流红外加射 ; 辐射标定

中国科学院力学研究所, 高温气体动力学开放实验室, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1007-3124
学科 电子技术、通信技术
基金 中国科学院“八五”项目
文献收藏号 CSCD:1018347

参考文献 共 3 共1页

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2.  史斯五琐(译). 电光学手册,1978 CSCD被引 1    
3.  Hansen C F. AIAA 63-204 CSCD被引 1    
引证文献 4

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CSCD被引 1


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