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On the gas-liquid two-phase flow regimes and their recognition methods


文摘 气液两相流体系是一个复杂的多变量随机过程体系,流型的定义、流型过渡准则和判别方法等方面的研究是多相流学科目前研究的重点内容。本文就与气液两相流流型及其判别有关的研究状况进行了回顾和评述,力图反映近年来气液两相流流型及其判别问题研究的状态和趋势。
其他语种文摘 Gas-liquid two-phase flow is one of the most commonly occurring types of flow. Several research areas such as the mechanistic studies, parameter measurements and industrial applications of the two-phase flow are strongly influenced by the flow regime. Therefore it is of great importance that the research of flow regimes and particular efforts have been given to methods of flow pattern recognition. Studies on the gas-liquid two-phase flow regime in recent years have been reviewed in this article. The definition and classification of each flow regime, the flow regime map, flow pattern transition criteria and the methodology of flow regime recognition were focused.
来源 力学进展 ,2002,32(2):235-249 【核心库】
关键词 气流两相流 ; 流型 ; 流型的识别

中国科学院力学研究所应用流体力学研究室, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 1000-0992
学科 力学
基金 国家863计划
文献收藏号 CSCD:1014374

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