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Thermal strain analysis of a flip-chip package by a modified hybrid method


汪海英 1   白以龙 1   王建军 2   邹大庆 2   刘胜 2  
文摘 介绍一种可用于微电子封装局部应变场分析的实验/计算混合方法,该方法结合了有限元的整体/局部模型和实时的激光云纹干涉技术,利用激光云纹干涉技术所测得的应变场来校核有限元整体模型的计算结果,并用整体模型的结果作为局部模型的边界条件,对实验难以确定的封装结构局部位置的应力、应变场进行分析。用这种方法对可控坍塌倒装封装结构在热载荷作用下焊球内的应变场分布进行了分析,结果表明该方法能够提供封装结构内应力-应变场分布的准确和可靠的结果,为微电子封装的可靠性分析提供重要的依据。
其他语种文摘 For the reliability analysis of electronic packages, strains in very localized areas, such as an interconnection or a corner, need to be determined. In this paper, a modified hybrid method of global/local modeling and real time moire interferometry is presented. In this method, a simplified, coarsely meshed global model is developed to get rough information about the deformation of the microelectronic package. In order to make sure the global model has been reasonably simplified and the material properties are properly chosen, an experimental technique (e.g. moire interferometry) is used to verify the results of global model. A local FEM model is built to calculate the local strain/stress distribution in a critical location. The boundary conditions of the local FEM model come from simulation results of the verified global model. The verification of global model ensures the accuracy of the results from local model. As a demonstration, the thermal strain of a flip-chip package is studied with this method. Results show that this method can produce an accurate and reliable result of stress-strain distribution, especially in very localized areas of microelectronic packaging.
来源 力学学报 ,2002,34(4):535-540 【核心库】
关键词 云纹干涉法 ; 整体/局部方法 ; 改进的混合法 ; 应变分布

1. 中国科学院力学研究所, 非线性连续介质力学开放实验室, 北京, 100080  

2. 美国韦恩州立大学机械工程系, Detroit

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0459-1879
学科 力学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1013625

参考文献 共 7 共1页

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CSCD被引 11


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iAuthor 链接
白以龙 0000-0002-5826-6173
王建军 0000-0002-3448-6681
ResearcherID 链接
汪海英 B-8995-2011
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