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The effect of teflon ablation on the electron density in viscous shock layer


文摘 采用黏性激波层基本方程组对有无泰氟龙烧蚀两种情况下的钝锥体化学非平衡绕流作了数值求解,以研究泰氟龙烧蚀对流场电子密度的影响规律。算例结果表明:泰氟龙烧蚀确有降低流场电子密度的效应。平衡催化壁工况下这种效应的强度,显著大于非催化壁工况下的强度;远下游截面处的这种效应的强度,显著大于驻点区的强度。此外,通过计算结果分析,对形成上述影响规律的原因作了初步讨论。
其他语种文摘 In this paper, the viscous shock layer governing equations for non-equilibrium gas flows over sphere-cone with and without Teflon ablation are solved numerically to investigate the effect of Teflon ablation on electron density in the flow fields. The case considered here is a 10 deg half-angle sphere-cone with nose radius of 0.1 m at altitude of 70 km and Mach number of 20. The wall temperature is kept fixed at 800 K. The chemical system used consists of 7 species (O_2, N_2, O, N, NO, NO~+ and e~-) for clean-air and of 19 species (C_2F_4, F_2CO, CF_4, CF_2, CO_2, CO, F_2, F, F~-, C, C_2, C_3 and the 7 clean-air species) for Teflon-air gas mixture. In order to investigate an effect of wall catalysis, the two extreme cases, namely the case of non-catalytic wall and the case of equilibrium-catalytic wall, are considered. The results of the solutions show that the Teflon ablation has the effect of reduction of electron density indeed. Furthermore, the intensity of this effect in the case of equilibrium catalytic wall is significantly greater than that in the case of non-catalytic wall, and the intensity of this effect in a far downstream section is significantly greater than that in the stagnation region. An analysis of the concerned results of the solutions shows that there are two main factors for reduction of electron density of the flow fields by Teflon ablation. The first is the reactions of attachment of electron to species F_2 or F forming the negative ion F~-; the second is that in comparison with those in the case without ablation the flow parameters or their gradients which are concerned with the species conservation equation of species NO~+ are changed numerically resulting in reduction of NO~+ density, and consequently in reduction of electron density due to the electrical neutrality condition. Furthermore, only the second factor is important in the case of non-catalytic wall, whereas in the case of catalytic wall both the factors are significant.
来源 力学学报 ,2002,34(6):874-880 【核心库】
关键词 泰氟龙烧蚀 ; 黏性激波层 ; 电子密度 ; 非催化壁 ; 平衡催化壁

中国科学院力学研究所, 北京, 100080

语种 中文
文献类型 研究性论文
ISSN 0459-1879
学科 力学
基金 国家自然科学基金
文献收藏号 CSCD:1013605

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