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共有 14 篇文献引用了这篇文献
Zhang Huan, Science China. Life Sciences, 2018, 61(4), 400-414 被引 14 次 

来源 年代 作者 学科
1. Science China. Life Sciences(8) 1. 2019(8) 1. 周雅青 西北工业大学;;西北工业大学(1) 1. 一般工业技术(6)
2. 科学通报(2) 2. 2020(4) 2. Day Nicole B 美国科罗拉多大学(1) 2. 肿瘤学(3)
3. Science China. Materials(1) 3. 2021(2) 3. Li Cong 南开大学(1) 3. 生物工程学(生物技术)(3)

    题名 作者 来源 被引频次
1 Magnetic systems for cancer immunotherapy
Day Nicole B; Wixson William C; Wyatt Shields Iv C
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2021, 11(8), 2172-2196 0
2 Continuous size fractionation of magnetic nanoparticles by using simulated moving bed chromatography
Arlt Carsten Rene; Brekel Dominik; Neumann Stefan
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2021, 15(5), 1346-1355 0
3 Nanozymes:created by learning from nature
Zhang Ruofei; Fan Kelong; Yan Xiyun
Science China. Life Sciences, 2020, 63(8), 1183-1200 0
4 Cargo-encapsulated cells for drug delivery
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5 Smart calcium peroxide with self-sufficience for biomedicine
Gao Shutao; Fan Miao; Li Zhenhua
Science China. Life Sciences, 2020, 63(1), 152-156 0
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