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Tao Zhigang, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2018, 28(3), 391-396 被引 6 次 

来源 年代 作者 学科
1. Journal of Central South University(3) 1. 2023(3) 1. Xu Dongming 中国矿业大学(北京)(1) 1. 矿业工程(5)
2. Underground Space(1) 2. 2021(2) 2. Wu Xingyu 山东科技大学(1) 2. 建筑科学(1)
3. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China(1) 3. 2022(1) 3. 何满潮 中国矿业大学(北京)(1)

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3 Arch model of roof and optimization of roof-contacted filling rate in two-step mining
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5 Numerical analysis of deformation and failure characteristics of deep roadway surrounding rock under static-dynamic coupling stress
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