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共有 33 篇文献引用了这篇文献
Qian Hong, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016, 9(2), 233-239 被引 33 次 

来源 年代 作者 学科
1. Plant Diversity(8) 1. 2023(11) 1. Qian Hong Research and Collections Center, Illinois State Museum(5) 1. 植物学(14)
2. Journal of Plant Ecology(6) 2. 2018(5) 2. 于明坚 浙江大学(4) 2. 林业(5)
3. Journal of Systematics and Evolution(3) 3. 2022(5) 3. Santos Rubens Manoel Dos 巴西拉夫拉斯联邦大学(3) 3. 普通生物学(2)

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Plant Diversity, 2023, 45(5), 491-500 0
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4 Intercontinental comparison of phylogenetic relatedness in introduced plants at the transition from naturalization to invasion:A case study on the floras of South Africa and China
Qian Hong
Plant Diversity, 2023, 45(4), 363-368 0
5 Climatic niche divergence explains angiosperm diversification across clades in China
Wu Guilin; Chen Dexiang; Zhou Zhang
Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2023, 61(4), 698-708 0
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