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Li Ning, Chinese Physics. B, 2012, 21(1), 010503-1-010503-6 被引 8 次 

来源 年代 作者 学科
1. Chinese Physics. B(5) 1. 2013(4) 1. Mu Jingjing 天津科技大学(1) 1. 数学(4)
2. 物理学报(2) 2. 2018(1) 2. Zhao Shuangshuang 燕山大学(1) 2. 物理学(3)
3. Science China. Information Sciences(1) 3. 2014(1) 3. Guo Yanling 南非Tshwane工业大学(1) 3. 公路运输(2)

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3 Bifurcation and chaos analysis of a nonlinear electromechanical coupling relative rotation system
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4 Hopf bifurcation analysis and circuit implementation for a novel four-wing hyper-chaotic system
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5 Chaotic dynamic behavior analysis and control for a financial risk system
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